Chapter 61: Admitting ones mistakes

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"Milady, I am sorry to disturb you." Came Edna's quiet voice from the doorway. "But Lords Alucard and Sinjin Von Esterheim have come to see you."

I turned around on my small chair, startled to see the two intimidating and beautiful silver-haired gentlemen standing in the doorway. It had been a while since I had seen them both and I was happy to see that they looked as cold and breathtaking as always.

"Mmm..." I watched expectantly as a thin smile spread across Alucard's face. "A pleasure to see you again Lady Delton... or rather Holy Lady Delton." He seemed to be eyeing my appearance rather greedily.

Alucard just had a way of making completely ordinary words sound so sexy and alluring.

"Honestly, we should have guessed the true nature of your identity the first time we heard you sing and play at our mansion all those months ago. Looking back, it seems that the answer to your identity was so obvious..." Sinjin chuckled as he stepped forward into the room.

"Please just address me as you always have." I chuckled nervously, not wanting there to be any unnecessary awkwardness between us.

Sinjin and Alucard settled into the room as they always did: elegantly making themselves at home on the sofa and armchair opposite me, while still maintaining the proper form and attire expected of high ranking nobles. However, I sensed a stiffness from them that I wasn't used to. It wasn't anything they were doing or saying, rather it was just this tension in the room that I had never felt before. Could they possibly be feeling a bit more nervous around me since they knew I was a chosen child?

"Is anything the matter...?" I asked tentatively as I saw Sinjin anxiously fiddling with his bowl of iced cream, something I had never seen him do before. He would always happily eat it up without slowing down his pace, but today he seemed to be quite distracted.

When I asked the question, he jerked his silver head upwards to look at me and then immediately straightened up. The worried expression went from his face, now he was wearing a weak smile.

"Oh..." he began as if he was about to say something important. "...It's nothing." He seemed to lose confidence and lowered his head, back to playing with his bowl. I then turned to Alucard, only to see him visibly avoiding my gaze by staring intently at the wall, as if the wall paint was the most interesting thing he had ever seen. It was obvious that something was off with these two. The Alucard and Sinjin Von Esterheim brothers that I knew were proud and confident men who needed no reassurance about their place in their world, but right now they were avoiding my gaze like a couple of naughty school children.

My best guess was that they did something, and now that they knew I was a chosen child, literally an envoy of the gods they worshipped, their guilt and shame had caught up to them. Could their awkwardness be the result of them trying to apologize to me? Two high ranking nobles who had never had to apologize for anything in their lives were trying to figure out how to do it. I would have pitied them if I didn't find their shy guilty faces so adorable.

"Do you two have anything, in particular, to say to me...?" I prompted them as I chuckled. I found myself quite enjoying their predicament.

I saw Sinjin move uncomfortably on the sofa and clenched his hand on the armrest, so I knew something was clearly bothering him and I was on the right track.

"Anything you two want to tell me..." I pushed a little more, failing to conceal the grin on my face. "Anything at all..." The longer it took for them to speak, the more intrigued I became.

There was still silence as they both fidgeted uncomfortably in their seats.

"Oh come on just spit it out!" It was cute at first but now they were just taking too long.

I've been reincarnated into another world as a witchDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora