Chapter 25: earning a living

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This morning I woke up to the sound of a cat purring contently next to my ear. It's soft paws landed on my cheek and tickled my face. My new cat was so cute, with its big pale blue eyes and it's soft white belly. I felt compelled to stroke and tickle her as she nuzzled up to me. Soon after Agnes, Edna and Mellie entered my room and opened the curtains and the windows to let light and fresh air in.

Today they brought out my corseted pale blue dress with blue embroidery. It was quite plain but pretty and according to Agnes, puffed sleeves and corsets were the latest fashion. So I would unfortunately be required to wear more of those.

Today I was going to a farm on the outer South-West region of Gismead, I wanted to secure a deal with the farmers so that I could get milk, sugar, flour and other products I would need delivered to the café.

Today Bard and Augustus accompanied me to the Frobisher farm to organize a deal with the farm owner to sell me his produce throughout the year. The farm owner was called Mr Galorian Frobisher and he owned many different farms that produced many different things, but he was renowned for his sugar blossom plants - the crop that produced sugar. He walked us around his farm and he let us try lots of the different fruits and crops that he made.

There was this delicious green fruit called a chicory that tasted slightly of peppermint but were shaped like peaches. Then he showed me these beautiful bright purple fruits called Korlans, they looked like dragon fruit but tasted more like watermelon. He also grew a fruit that looked and tasted exatly like strawberries, but bigger and jucier. My favourite was this small reddish-brown bean called Gocan beans, that tasted exactly like coco bean, I already thought up some plans to make chocolate.

We went back to the stone farm house and negotiated a deal with him, in the end we settled on 10 silvers every paying term - which was halfway through every season and at the end of every season, thus six times a year - for about five creates of my desired fruits every week starting from the following week. Mr Frobisher seemed like a very sensible and honest man, even though he as very old and his eyes were so wrinkled I wasn't sure if they were open or not half the time, he was very sharp and clever.

Augustus had assured me that all his produce was to the finest quality, and that we were given a good deal for our money. So afterwards, we happily rode away in our carriage and returned home.

When we arrrived my cute little cat simpered out to meet me and nuzzled the bottom of my skirt and purred happily up at me, asking for some attention. She was really the cuttest little cat I had ever seen with her soft fluffy fur and big round eyes. I would have to think of a cute name for her. I reached down and picked her up and held her close against my chest and gently stroked her. I was about to walk into the house when a flustered Agnes ran up to me. Her cheeks were a bright red and she could barely speak because she was panting so loudly.

"Milady!" She creid out.

"What is it! What's wrong Agnes?" I asked concerned. She looked like she had just gotten the fright of her life. Did something happen to her? was she okay?

"There is... an... important guest... in... the...drawing room!" She wheezed out.

"Why on earth are you so flustered? who is it?" I asked relieved that she was fine and that nothing serious had happened but a little annoyed that she was overreacting.

"Make haste Milady! His highness had been waiting a good while for your already!" She said desperately as she shoved me to the drawing room.

His Highness! Prince Geoffrey? I felt my heart beat just a little faster and my cheeks warmed up a bit, I couldn't help feel a little tinge of excitement that Prince Geoffrey had come to see me, but I shoved that feeling away as I realised that he had probably come to talk about the potion.

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