Chapter 26: Final Preparations for the Von Esterheim Soirée

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(Picture of Riley☝️)


Riley, Augustus and Bard rode by carriage to the cafe on the harbourside.

Riley was excited to see how the cafe looked with a fresh coat of paint, cleaned, polished, and with a neat garden. Over the past few days Bard had gone to the cafe to supervise the recreation and promised that she wouldn't be disappointed, so she couldn't stop herself from tapping her boot on the base of the carriage with anxious excitement and holding Sophie tightly in her arms, this cafe was something that she was doing with her own money, it was her idea and she really wanted it to do well.

When the building finally came into view she was overjoyed. It looked so beautiful with a pastel pink coat of paint with white finishings. The garden looked beautiful as well, Bard must have planted these bushels of beautiful flowers.

"It's gorgeous!" She exclaimed as she looked at it all.

"That's not all Milady, come and take a look inside." Said Bard proudly as he got off the carriage and secured the horses there. Sophie jumped straight for the green grass then Riley jumped off the carriage eagerly and made her way inside with Augustus. When she opened the door, she heard a small flame candle burst out into flames and then quickly go out. She giggled as she realized that it was the other world equivalent of a doorbell.

Her eyes widened at the completely redone interior of the building: the floor had been retiled with white and grey marble, the inside was painted with only white paint but there were silver finishings that decorated the walls and the counters, the room also had about ten small dainty wooden tables with up to two to three chairs around each, wonderful pastel pink curtains were tied up by the windows and there stood Matilda, Briony and the three mean Bard employed to redo the place, who were all smiling at me brightly.


"Isn't Wonderful Milady?" Asked Briony looking around proudly.

"It's beautiful. I see that you have all worked hard." Then Bard stepped forward and paid the three men their silver coins, which they accepted gratefully and bowed to me before they left the shop.

"It's truly a sight to behold Milady!" Said Matilda as she looked around the cafe.

"But what are you going to call it Milady?" Asked Briony.

I hadn't actually thought of a name, but I noticed that most people names their shops after themselves, such as the two fashion boutiques that I had gone to.

Bard hmphed from behind me which made me turn around to him. "Perhaps we should go with tradition and call it 'Lady Delton's cafe'?" He suggested. Since I didn't have any other ideas I was just going to go with that, until I remembered something else that I could name the shop after...

"How about calling it 'Sophie's cafe'?" I asked smiling, I loved the idea of naming after the precious cat that I found here. Sophie must have sensed that we were talking about her so she happily made her way over to me and nuzzled and pitted against my skirt.

"An excellent choice Milady!" Exclaimed Bard.

"What is a Sophie, Milady?" Asked Briony confused.

"It's the name I gave this stray cat that I found here last time," I explained, pointing down at Sophie.

"Oh, that's a sweet idea Milady." Matilda smiled contently.

Sophie purred at my skirt seeming to be liking the thought of having a cafe named after her.

"I'll go and get the painter to paint the name of the shop on the front wall." Said Bard and he bowed to me and left to go and find someone.

"Well then let us begin our training!" Pronounced Augustus with a flamboyant flourish of his hand.

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