4: Sweet Revenge

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"NATALIE!" I hear someone scream from upstairs. I recognized the voice as Harry's. I nearly spit up the milk I was drinking, trying not to laugh. I wiped my mouth with a napkin as he barreled down the steps.

"Yes, Harold?" I say as innocently as I could. I swear, if looks could kill, I would have died eight times already. I glanced up at his hair and just couldn't contain my laughter anymore. I burst out in a fit of giggles, tears dotting at my eyes. "Y-your HAIR!" I say through my insane laughing.

"I know you did this!" he says, extremely pissed. The other boys at the table and Meg were all hiding their chuckles with coughs and shielding their faces so he wouldn't get even angrier.

His hair was pin straight. Those curls that so many teenagers fangirl over were now abolished by my flat iron. He looked hilarious with straight hair. It stuck out in different directions and resembled an afro. I couldn't help but laugh when he looked like a clown.

"Louis helped," I say with a smirk. Harry glares at Louis.

"I told you not to tell him!" Louis shrieks at me. I couldn't stop laughing. Every time I started to calm down I would glance at Harry and start right back up again.

"S-sorry!" I say to Louis through my constant outburst of laughter.

"Stop laughing!" Harry yells at me and the others. I didn't even try to hide it. It was pissing him off. Good.

"Sorry Haz," Liam says, still chuckling. "But you kind of deserved it."

"I did not deserve this! And I can't believe you helped her!" he yells before throwing his hands in the air and storming upstairs. Once he left I wiped away my tears of laughter and finally started to simmer down. Now that fro boy is gone it was a lot easier. Niall sighs.

"I'll go help him," he says, sounding like it's a chore he must do. I smiled victoriously as I continued to eat my breakfast.

"That was a good idea," Meg comments, chuckling.

"I know. But don't give me the credit. Zayn told me about it," I say, smiling at Zayn. He grinned mischievously.

When I came to the boys this morning asking what I should do to piss off Harry I was actually surprised that they gave me a long list of ideas. They explained how they were completely against Harry's recent attitude towards me and hate what a jerk he's been so far. It's nice to know they're on my side, because something tells me this will turn into a war real fast.

About ten minutes later Niall and Harry return. Harry's straight hair was gone and was now soaking wet. He was calm again and wore that famous smirk of his. Just that smirk alone was enough to put me in a sour mood.

He walked over and shook his wet hair out all over me. "EW! GROSS! GET AWAY FROM ME!" I scream as drops of shampoo-smelling water got all over my clothes. "You're a dick ."

"And you're a bitch." He winks and sits down in his seat. Today was my payback day. Today I had to do every single thing I could to piss him off just to make up for all the shit he's done since he arrived a few days ago.

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