10: She's Mine

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"Meg! I'm leaving now! Let Aunt Liz and Uncle Dave know if they ask!" I call up the steps.

"Kay!" she calls back. Harry walks into the room holding a bag of chips.

"Where are you going?" he asks as if he's caught me in the act of a crime.

"Somewhere with Luke. Why?" He frowns when I mention Luke's name. I smirk.

"Where with Luke?"

"None of your business!" I snap, turning to the door. I let it slam shut behind me. He's so nosy!

I walk the familiar route to the woods and look around for my boyfriend. This is the place we would always meet to hang out, but I couldn't find him. "Luke?" I call out. I feel strong arms wrap around my waist, picking me up. I laugh and squeal at the same time. "LUKE! Please put me down!" I exclaim laughing. He throws me over his shoulder.

"I'm kidnapping you." I laugh as he carries me to a tree stump. He sat down and put me on his lap. I giggled as he pulled me closer. "You're all mine now," he says, grinning.

I chuckle and roll my eyes. "Whatever you say."

"My sexy captive."

I burst out laughing. He cut off my laughing with a kiss. An intense kiss. It sort of surprised me, to be honest. It lasted awhile too. Making out would actually be a better way to describe it.

Snogging in the woods.


"You're so hot," he says between kisses.

It made me smile, but it wasn't the same as the summer before. Last summer he called me things like beautiful or gorgeous. Now it's hot and sexy. I guess they're all compliments, but it's just different. Different just like Luke seems to be. I still like Luke, but to be honest, I liked the old Luke better. The one I grew up with. The one I fell in love with. 

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