15: I'm Not The Only One

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***Harry’s Point of View***

Okay so I suppose Nat isn't as bad as she was when we first got to the lake house. We can actually have conversations now without ripping each other’s hair out. Which is nice.

I'm not sure why I followed her out into the woods the other day. I just saw her running and I could tell something was wrong. I felt....almost worried, I guess. I wanted to help her with whatever was wrong for reasons I still can't figure out, so I followed her, and when she broke down crying I had to tell her I was there. And she flipped, which I saw coming. 

Out in those woods, when we were hiding from the rain, she seemed like a different person towards me. I had seen her act that way around Luke or Meg or even the other lads, but never around me. To me she has always acted cold and annoyed like she just wanted me to be gone from her presence, but out there she seemed happy to have me around. Even if it was kind of by force, since the only other option was to walk home in the thunder and lightning. Oh well. Glad to know she prefers hanging out with me than being shocked and dying. Wonderful.

Anyways, I liked that Natalie. The one from the woods. That's the Natalie I'll be friends with. Not the bitchy one who always seems to come out when I'm around.

I keep thinking about how nervous she got when I whispered in her ear and about how red her face flushed when I pointed it out. It made me smile. It was kind of cu-

Wait, what? 


No no no. 

What was I just about to say? What? Never mind. Forget I just thought that....just never mind...I did not just think that. Nat isn't cute. She's....she's Nat. 

***Natalie’s Point of View***

I walked downstairs and made my way to the kitchen. I hadn't eaten breakfast, and now it's nearing lunch. I stopped dead in my tracks when I spotted Meg. She heard my footsteps and turned around. She bit her lip and I narrowed my eyes, whipping around in the direction I just came. 

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