28: Twix For Two

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"They're still out there, huh?" Aunt Liz says, coming down the steps. By now it was almost five at night and we had called the police about half an hour ago to come down and help control the situation. They still haven't showed up.

All I want to do is go outside and get some fresh air. But no.

"Yep," Zayn says, tossing a piece of popcorn into his mouth.

"Well, they'd better clear out soon. Where are those officers we called? I need to get to the store tonight and they're blocking my car." Aunt Liz furrows her eyebrows and looks out the window. A girl’s face was pressed up against it, so she closed the curtain.

"You shouldn't let them stop you. Just head out and start the car, and they'll move. I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't get hit by a moving vehicle just to meet the boys," Uncle Dave chuckles. Aunt Liz thinks this over and slowly nods.

"Okay. Anyone want to come? I don't know about you, but I really need to get out of this house."

I immediately jump up. "I'm coming," I state. Aunt Liz smiles.


"I'll go too," Meg adds.

"Am I allowed to go? What if they break down the door, and we're here alone?" Harry asks, his eyes wide with terror. I smile, rolling my eyes.

"Why don't you all go? I'll stay back so when the cops do show up, the house isn't empty. Have some fun. You've been stuck on this land for the whole summer anyways," Uncle Dave says, smiling.

"OKAY!" the boys all chorus. They all put up their hoods and slide on sunglasses, as if that would actually help to disguise them. Aunt Liz walks out first with Meg and Ryan behind her. The boys following in a line behind them, keeping their heads down as girls swarmed them. I was last, following behind Harry. I've never seen so many teenage girls after one thing before. Well, five things. But still. It was scary. They were like animals who hadn't eaten in days, and One Direction was their meal.

I tried to hide behind my hair. I was tripped by a girl who was giving me the death glare. I think she did it on purpose. I was about to stand up and tell her off about it when someone else bumped into me, sending me in a new direction. I had no control of where I was going as I tried to fight my way through the crowd. I felt a strong, familiar hand around mine.

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