9: Stay

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"Oh my gosh, I thought you would never get here!" I say, still extremely happy to see Luke standing in front of me.

"Of course! You actually thought I'd miss a summer?" he gives me a look that reads 'Are-You-Serious?’. I grin. "I was at camp for the first two weeks. I'm sorry," he says, giving me a pouty face as if asking for forgiveness. I giggle and peck his cheek.

"It's okay. I was just...worried." I look at my converse shoes.

"Are you okay?" he asks, tilting my chin up. I give a weak smile and nod.

"I'm fine."

He gives me an unsure look but doesn't comment. I guess we're still together. I wasn't really sure. I mean, we haven't talked since last summer. I guess that's not how he sees it, which I'm fine with, but it's kind of confusing. It made me a little sad that he could forget about me for so long and just resume where we left off after school let out. But I wasn't about to start getting mad at him now. He just got here, and I was thrilled to see him. I missed him.

I noticed Luke glancing behind me at Harry who was now leaning against the wall of the house, smirking as always. I looked from Harry to Luke. Luke was glaring at him. "He's just Meg's cousin," I assure him, taking his hand in mine.

"I just don't like the way he's looking at you," he says, eyeing him. They lock eyes, and that smirk disappears from Harry's lips. It's replaced with a frown. I smile trying to ignore it and roll my eyes, pulling him with me to the house. I walk right past Harry as if he's not even there and stop in the living room.

"MEG! LUKE'S HERE!" I call up the steps. In a matter of seconds she was downstairs and had her arms flung around Luke in a hug. I chuckle.

"OH MY GOSH. WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" she yells at him excitedly. He laughs.


Meg shakes her head. "Never waste lake time for something as stupid as camp," she advises. He rolls his eyes and laughs.

"Whatever you say Meggy. So your cousin's here this year?" he asks, glancing back at the front porch through the window with a not-so-happy look on his face. Meg's smile fades, and she looks at me.

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