22: Meet Harry, My Boyfriend

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of someone bustling around outside. I peeked my head out of the tent and saw Luke's back facing me. Fuck. 

Anger boiled through me. I stood up and was about to walk over to him and tell him to leave when Meg beat me to it. 

"Luke, what are you doing here?" she asks in a worried voice as if concerned for his safety. 

"You actually camped in the woods without me? You're being serious right now? I can't believe this..." 

I storm up to him, clapping a hand on his shoulder and spinning him around to face me. "Go home. You're not welcome here," I snap. 

He smirks. "I don't believe you own this property. It's shared land. I'm allowed to be here if I want." 

I glare at him, balling up my fists. He chuckles, finding this humorous. 

"Is there a misunderstanding here or something?" Harry's voice calls from behind me. He walks up next to me. "Last time I checked you weren't invited to this party." 

"Not much of a party that I can see here. And calm down. Gosh, you and your little girlfriend there need to chill," Luke says, glaring at me and Harry. "I just came to see what the smoke was from," he says, pointing to the burned out campfire from last night. 

"I'm not his girlfriend," I mumbled angrily, my face turning red. He rolls his eyes. 

"Whatever. I have better things to spend my time doing," he says, his frown turning to a smirk. He adds a wink at the end. 

"Like what?" Harry asks, kidding himself. "Punching pillows? I hear that's a way to help with anger management. It’s a lot better than punching women. Just ask Chris Brown cause ya know he-"

"Shut up." Luke snaps at him. Harry tries to hide his smile but fails. The corner of my lip turned up too. "I have to go," he growls, turning his back to us. When he turns around to leave the woods I saw a bleach blonde girl standing there. 

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