32: Holiday Plans

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***Harry’s point of View***



It's been a few months since I've seen Natalie. After she left the lake house, the summer seemed empty. Boring. We went the remaining month without her until the fall came.

Now, the lads and I have been working on our new album. It's coming along nicely. Meg went away to college. I'm sure Natalie's doing the same, but I haven't heard anything. I wish I hadn't screwed things up by taking it too far. I'd rather be friends than be so distant. 

"Hey, mate, we're grabbing some Nando's. You coming?" Niall asks me. He and Zayn were by the door about to leave while I sat on the couch watching TV. 

"I'm alright. Bring me back something, would ya?" 

They nod and leave. I think Lou's out with his girlfriend tonight. Liam's spending time hanging with Josh. I'm alone. 

"I'm gonna pick up the pieces, and build a Lego house, if things go wrong we can knock it down..."

My ringtone, Lego House by Ed Sheeran, blared from across the room. I sighed as I got up to grab it. The name on the caller I.D. surprised me. 

Aunt Liz. 

I tapped answer and pressed the phone to my ear. 


"Harry! So glad I caught you. This will only take a moment, since I know how busy you've been lately," she says, going on and on. 

"Actually, I'm free at the moment. What is it?" 

"Well, I was wondering what your plans for Christmas were." 

"Um, I wasn't sure yet. I was actually thinking of just hanging out with the lads." 

"Oh, nonsense! Harry, Christmas is time for family. You should come over to our place for the holidays! Your mother will be here, and of course your friends are always welcome! Great lads they are. Meg and Natalie would be home from college, and by then Ryan would be back from Alaska. Please consider it?" She sounded hopeful. Like she really wanted me there. Only one thing stood out to me in that whole explanation. Natalie would be home from college. 

I sigh. "I'll think about it. Thanks Aunt Liz." 

"Anytime sweetie! Love you! Oh, and Uncle Dave's at work, but he told me to tell you hello." 

"Tell him I say hi." 

"Will do! Bye, Hun," she says. I heard the click as she hung up the phone. 

Christmas with the family. Seeing Nat again? That might be awkward.  I tried calling her and texting her a few weeks after she left. I never got a response. 


"WE HAVE FOOOOD!" Zayn calls through the house.

"Don't touch my meal," Niall grumbles, snatching a bag from Zayn's hands. He hands me one as well. 

"So what did you do while we were gone? Cried about how much you missed us?" Niall asks, smirking. 

I roll my eyes. "Yeah. It was horrible." They chuckle. "Actually, no. Aunt Liz called."

A small silence fell over the room. "What'd she say?" Zayn asks, taking a bite of food. 

"She wants to know if we'd all like to go over to her place for Christmas. Nat, Meg, and Ryan would all be home and she wants me there too." 

"You would see Natalie again..." Zayn points out. 

"I know."

"Are you gonna go?" Niall asks. 

"I'm not sure," I answer truthfully, thinking over what I should do. "I'm just.....not sure." 

okay so everyone stop what youre doing and go thank @Shaziacassim1d because if it wasnt for her this would probs be like the last chapter of crazier and it wouldnt be nearly as good as this story is about to get(; she gave me like an awesomepossum idea and i cant entirely tell u what it is because uhm SPOILER DUHHH but yeah(: just know that she helped me figure out the ending of this story a lot and shes freaking awesome for it :D hahaha okay so what do you think haz is gonna do??? OH and has anyone else noticed that Harry is the only one who really calls her Nat? everyone else calls her Natalie(; sneaky arent i? keep that in mind for the next few chapters...... OH YEAH and little things just cause.....its amazayn :') comment and vote please! thanx poptarts!!<3

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