13: I Was Wrong About Him

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As I pop bread into the toaster, I pull the Nutella from the cabinet. Aunt Liz and Uncle Dave are still sleeping so it was up to me to make my own breakfast. The radio was on, and I was dancing around the kitchen like a freak to the song First Dance by Never Shout Never. I turned it down when the doorbell rang.

"Coming!" I call. Everyone but Harry and I stayed out really late last night. They would probably still be asleep at noon. I open the front door and see Luke standing there. I frown and shut the door, but his foot catches it from closing. "Go home."

"Babe, please talk to me."

"No. Get out," I say, crossing my arms. He opens the door fully. I roll my eyes. His family has a key. Even if I locked him out he would get back in. I return to the kitchen, ignoring him. "There's nothing to talk about, Luke. Leave me alone."

"Come on, baby. You know I love you." He takes my hand. I stare at his hand in mine and pull mine away.

"Actually, I don't know that. You've been acting weird since you got here. I don't know what's up with you, but I don't like it. We grew up together, and you're not the same person I remember. You've changed."

"People change."

"Not for the better they don't." My toast pops up and I move the pieces of bread onto a plate. I smear nutella on them and take a bite.

"I think that this is because of that Harry guy. Before he came we didn't have any problems."

"Are you kidding me?! I think the fact that you ignored me for the entire school year is a bit of a problem. Before you came this summer I wasn’t even sure if we were still a couple! This isn't about Harry!"

"Why are you defending him?"

"Why shouldn't I defend him? He's not a part of this! This is your fault Luke!"

"Fine. You're going to regret this though," he says, narrowing his eyes. I roll my eyes at him.

"I doubt it."

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