33: Taken

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"Harry! Oh, come in, come in! Just leave your shoes right there. Here, I'll take your coats boys. Oh my gosh it's so great to see you all again!" Aunt Liz says, hugging each of us as we walk in. I smile. She always knows how to make you feel at home.

"Uncle Dave and your mother are in the kitchen, and I think Megan and Ryan are downstairs. Natalie got a little held up with the snow and all. She's driving here now. They should arrive soon." 

Um, they?

I tried to ignore it as I smiled and headed to the kitchen. "Hey, Mum," I say, smiling and hugging her. I say hey to Uncle Dave too and then make my way downstairs to the basement. 

"No! No no no! Gah! You killed me again...." I heard Ryan yell. Meg laughed as we came in. 

"It's pretty sad when I'm better at Call of Duty than you are," she says, smirking. He rolls his eyes. 

I clear my throat. The boys were right behind me. Meg and Ryan both turned around to see us.

"Oh my God! Guys!" Meg calls, jumping up and running over. She hugs all of us. 

"Hey, Haz," Ryan says from his spot on the couch. "If you want a hug you have to come over here. I'm too lazy to move." 

I smile, rolling my eyes. "Good to see you too, Ry." He smirks. On the screen was a video game, and two controllers were lying on the couch next to Ryan. 

"Sorry. I was kicking his butt, so he's not happy," Meg explains, smirking towards her brother. 

"She was not! It was a close game. I almost beat you." 

"Sure Ry." 

"I did!" 

Meg rolls her eyes. "Anyways, you guys thirsty? There's drinks upstairs. I can grab some snacks if you want." 

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