Finish Him

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(Maybree pov)

Everything comes back in slow motion. Floyd is an inch from my neck before I get my senses back. We tumble to the ground and roll around. He still has my scruff in his mouth until I slam him into the ground. Floyd is a little out of breath with the slam and as he got up he tumbles a bit before he got back on his feet. 

Floyd shakes his head and glares at me from across the circle. He lunges at me again and this time he leaves his neck open. I bite into his neck as he scratches my back leg. He keeps scratching at my chest and front legs.

I finally have enough with him and bit harder into his neck to make him know who's boss. Floyd soon stopped scratching and just hung in my grip.

"Maybree is the winner," Simon says as he gets everyone's attention and shocking me. I forgot there were still people here. 

I let go of Floyd and shift back into my human form. I walk over to Racheal and Emma but get stopped.

"Maybree, watch out!" Racheal yelled before something crashed into me. I land on my back as I stare at Floyd that is on top of me. 

Okay, I'm seriously getting annoyed with this dude I thought to my self. 

I stare at his eyes and say, "Get off." 

He slowly gets off and lays on the ground as guards come and take him somewhere. I turn towards Racheal and Emma. I walk to them and say, "Are you guys hungry? because I'm starving over here. Let's go get some fast food."

They nod their heads and we start walking to my hummer until I hear a clearing of the throat. I turn around and see Jaylynn with the 'where are you going' face.

"You are going nowhere with those wounds and that get up," she says as I start to pout.

"But I am starving. Can't I just throw a shirt on and get some food and come back," I respond while making the puppy face.

She sighs before saying, "Fine but you better be back in less than an hour." I nod my and run upstairs to the guest room I slept in. I got a t-shirt and ran to my hummer that the girls were already in. 

58 minutes later

The girls and I just step into the mansion to hear, "Maybree Souls! I told you to be back in less than an hour."

"It is less than an hour by two minutes," I yell back just in time to see Jaylynn coming down the stairs.

"I don't care. Just go see the pack doctor and no food until then. No buts either," she says as she takes my food away.

I run towards the pack doctors office to get check up on. I get to the office and knock on the door. It opens to reveal an old friend that I thought I never to see again.


I am so thankful for the 100 Followers. Heres a chapter 

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