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*second day in Greece*
Alexis' POV



I open my eyes to the sound of Sean shouting while walking through the hallways of the house. I sigh and turn around to snuggle closer into Billie her side, who obviously was woken up by Sean's shouting too since I feel her tighten her grip on me and turns around to face me and places a soft kiss on my lips.

"Goodmorning I guess." She says. "What time is it?" I ask her.



That was Sean walking past our door again.

Billie turns around to check the time on her phone. "8:55." She mumbles in respond.


Sean shouts, throwing open our door. "Hand in your phones, it's 9." He says, shoving the cardboard box in between us. "Leave us alone." Billie says, being grumpy like she is when she gets woken up like this in the morning. "Phones." Sean says. "It's 8:55, we have 5 more minutes and I need at least 2 hours more of sleep. Seriously dude, leave." Billie says, sounding more serious this time. I give him a nod and then point at the door to tell him leaving is the safest thing to do now. He nods back and leaves.

"Finally." Billie mumbles and hides her face in my hair and places soft kiss along my neck up to my cheek to then kiss down my neck again. "Now that we're up we could as well have sex." She mumbles in between kisses. I roll my eyes and push her off a little. "I'm not in the mood Bil." She sighs, but accepts it and lets go off me to take her phone for the 4 minutes we have left, so I do the same. I had a notification of a text from Simon and one from Britt too. I first open the text from Britt.

Britt: hey, just checking up on you! Are you guys good? I didn't hear from you yet. Champ is missing you like hell, I can't get him out of your room so I gave him his food and his water in there.

Me: Yeah, we're good we just decided to hand in our phone from 9 to 9 so that we aren't being phone addicts during the day. And aw give him lots of kisses from me and tell him I'll be back soon!

After that I open Simon his text.

Simon: hey, I know you're with your mates and that that's probably the reason why you're not really answering me but I miss talking to you and I also really dislike keeping the shop open on my own, but I have to. Anyway, why I'm texting. I sent our designs through to the company and they're wildly enthusiast and want to make a deal with us. They're sending someone our way as soon as you get back! Just wanted to let you know this. I have a great feeling about this Lex. Anyway keep yourself safe and say hi to Billie.

"What the heck." I say, causing Billie to look up from her phone. "What up?" She asks. "Remember I told you about this company that wants to make test samples of our clothes?" I ask her, on which she nods. "Well, Simon sent them all our designs and apparently they're wildly enthusiastic about it and they want to make a deal with us and are going to have a meeting with us as soon as I get back home." I tell her. Her eyes widen. "That's so good news baby." She says, hugging me.

"Well, quit the hugging session, it's 9. phones." Sean says, walking into our room without knocking again. Billie rolls her eyes, but puts her phone in the box along with mine. "You're annoying." She tells him. "Thank you." He smiles, before walking out of our room.

Billie carwls over the bed towards me again. And wraps her arms around me, resting her head on my chest before closing her eyes again. "Somebody is touchy." I say. "Hhhmm." She just mumbles. "I like it though."

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