!!Kinda important authors note!!

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Hello to anyone who's reading this. This authors note has nothing to with this story or anything, but I'ma be talking about myself a little bit and I find what I'm about to say really important so I'd appreciate it if you read this.

What this is about: my braces are coming off tomorrow. This might not seem like a big deal to a lot of people because A LOT of people need/needed to have braces, I'm aware of that. But my case was still a lot different than the average. I've had my braces for 3 years now and I'm 18, so I got them when I was 15. At the age that I got them, all the other kids were already getting rid of them which was one thing that made me insecure. The reason why I had to wait so long to get them is because I needed to be full-grown before I got them because I needed an operation that wouldn't have worked when I wasn't full-grown yet.

Before I got my braces my teeth were really crooked and I couldn't even look in the mirror without feeling disappointed about what I looked like. I also got bullied because of the crooked teeth and I also had a really bad underbite. I'll just straight up tell you I thought I was ugly I couldn't think anything else. I was super insecure. I couldn't look in people their eyes when I was talking to them, I couldn't raise my hand in class to ask a simple question I just wanted to blend in with the walls and be invisible.

But now three years of braces and an operation later I can finally close that chapter of my life and I'm very happy about that.

The reason I'm making this post if because I know that there are a lot of people out there, young kids or even people my age or older who feel the same about their appearance. Who feel super insecure and can't properly function because of that. And I think it's important to put a positive story out there. Because I can tell you, when I now look in the mirror I see a pretty okay looking person and I feel pleased with what I see. Of course, I'm mentally not the most stable person at all, but I am confident about my appearance and I want anyone who's going through the same thing and who's reading this to know that it'll be fine. In the end, you'll be just fine. If I can get through it with a super positive outcome, anyone else can too.

Sorry about this, but I just needed to get this off my chest. Thank you if you took the time to read this🖤

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