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*authors note*
I just got the news that I passed all my exams, so I don't have to take any of the subjects of this semester again next year and I'm freaking hyped about that, to celebrate a new chapter😅.


Billie's POV
"Oh god, I didn't think shit would be this awkward." Finneas mumbles and looks around in the room. The only one who looks up at Finneas' comment is Jake.

We're on the meeting with Jake and the first thing he asked was about how weird shit is between Blaze and I.

Blaze is sitting in the chair next to the wall, Micah is sitting next to her, Finneas in the chair next to that and then I'm sitting in the end of the row, Jake is sitting in his usual chair on the opposite side of his table.

We've been here for about 15 minutes, I don't know exactly because I don't dare to look at my phone.

"I'm asking one more time, what the fuck is going on?" Jake asks in a more stern voice this time.

"Okay, fuck this Bil dumped me alright." Blaze says out of the blue.

"Actually no, I didn't we were never a thing, we were just fucking." I snap right back.

"Alright, I'm sick of this teenage fucking bullshit." Jake sighs and shakes his head. "You've reached a point in your life where you can't have this kind of drama. The press is up your ass, both of you, keep the drama down!" He's basically yelling at this point.

"We can't have this right now. Tickets are selling, interviews are coming up, the clothing brand -with who I may say is PART of this drama- is about to come out. Quitt this alright, shake hands, give each other a hug, say sorry and we're over and done with this." He continues his speech.

Blaze and I just share a look and that's enough to just end whatever was going on.

"Okay, about the real stuff now, Billie and Blaze, that song that you guys are writing has to be done in 3 days so that Finneas and Micah can start learning to play it, so that it can come out soon." He says, we just nod. Something about the way Jake is in our meetings makes us all scared of him, even though he's actually a really nice and sweet guy.

"I also talked to Mike and we agreed that the fashion show of 'Strange Addiction' is going to be in 2 months, that makes it the," and he looks at his phone to see the date. "The 7th of April. He also made a selection of models besides Billie and Blaze and he sent them to me, of course we don't have a say in this, but he wanted to show us anyway, so I'll send them to your mail box after this meeting. Wait let me write that down." He says and takes his agenda to write it down so he won't forget. After that he takes a look at what the next thing was to talk about.

After we finish talking about everything that needed to be talked about, Jake ends with his typical encouraging words. "Alright, this meeting has come to an end, now y'all now what it's like to go on tour and how exhausting it can be and what it's like to live with each other 24/7 so I hope it'll be less drama then last tour. I wanna say that I really do enjoy you to work with you guys, I know I can be very stern and come off as mad, but that's because it's my job to make this all happen smoothly, so I hope you all know I love each one of you." He says with a wide smile, the way I like Jake.

"You can go." He says with a little nod.


Alexis' POV
Today is just school, so nothing fun to say. It's weird actually, school. We don't have Harry anymore, Billie isn't here anymore either and Micah is gone too. Sean is gone for some days too, because he's on his 3 day trip right now, so it's just Mich, Morgan, Jose, Elias, Luke and I.

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