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Alexis' POV
I should be at school right now, but instead, I'm hanging in Simon's dorm room, reviewing all our designs. Mike wants the official designs in 2 days so that they can get started on making the test examples. It's funny how I'm already skipping school the second day and I'm not even feeling bad about it.

"This hoodie should be fine though if we just get this in an XXXL Billie will love this," I say and point at the hoodie that Simon created. "Yeah that's true, but I don't see her wearing those pants in any way shape or form." He says and points at the checkered pants. I nod at that. He's right.

"But Blaze will wear those definitely and Billie will wear those pants for sure if we give them a sweatpants look," I say and point at the green striped pants. He nods. "Alright, let's do those already," I say and get started on redrawing them.

When I'm drawing I can feel Simon staring at me. When I can't take it anymore I look up at him. "What?" I ask him. "I can't stop thinking about our kiss." He simply states as if that sentence means absolutely nothing.

"Just-" I cut myself off with a sigh. "Just what?" He asks. "Don't do this," I warn him. He crawls over to the spot I'm sitting on his bed to sit closer to me. "I know there's some kind of thing still between us, you can't lie about that." He says and cups my cheek with his hand. "It's not because I broke up with Billie that I don't love her anymore," I tell him. "And I'm sure she feels 100% the same way about you and yet she also has some kind of thing going on between her and Blaze. It's okay to just chill out for a while and not worry about a thing." He tells me. I frown.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask him. "That this doesn't necessarily have to be 'a thing' just casual, you know." He shrugs. "As in friends with benefits?" I ask him. "If you wanna call it that." He answers.

"Let me think about it," I tell him. He nods understandingly.


Billie's POV

We're still on the bus, on our way to the next stop for the tour. It's about midday, but we don't have time to make a proper stop to eat, we just got some take out. I got a burrito, or 4, of course.

"Fuck this shit is good," I say with my mouth still full.

"Okay, I have some announcements to make," Jake says. We all look at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Okay, this would've been the second last week of tour, but the tour will last a little longer then plant, because there are cities in the US where we will be playing shows, so you can all call your loved ones to tell them we will have a month-long US tour after this European tour, but we will make a week-long stop in our little home town, which has to do with my next announcement." He says.

If I was still dating Alexis I would've been more then happy to go home and see her again, but after all that happened, I'm not so sure anymore if I do want to see her. All the others are excited to have a little break home though and to be able to see all the people they had to miss. And I did miss all my friends, but I have a lot of important people with me on tour. I have my two best friends here Fin and Micah. I have my parents and I have Blaze, whatever I have to call her.

"Okay, and the next announcement is that we are going to start the collaboration with 'Strange Addiction' the week we are home. Alexis and Simon are now reviewing all their designs and they're making tests in all your sizes and you are trying them on and all. So that's why you guys are having a week off back home."

"And I also wanna say: I know that after everything that happened it will be hard to work together with Simon and Alexis, but you HAVE to act like y'all like each other. Understood?" He asks in a stern voice, on which we all nod.

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