
447 13 29

*authors note*
Okay so I'm skipping the rest of the tour cuz I'm sick of writing that shit.


Alexis' POV
Well, today is a big day.

I mean like, A REALLY BIG DAY.

I'm seeing Billie again, like in real life and shit.

Mike is going to show us the test versions of the clothes that are now fabricated in Billie and Blaze their sizes. We're getting together with Jake, Mike, Simon, Billie, Blaze and I to discus everything that's left to discus for the clothing brand to be ready to be announced online.

What am I most nervous for you ask?

For seeing Billie. I'm not sure whether it's going to be good to see her or whether it's going to be awkward.

"Hey, everything will be fine." I hear Simon say, I thought he was still asleep. I look at him and give him a small smile.

"Seriouly Alex." He says and sits up more straight. He cups my face gently and places a soft kiss on my lips.

"I know you're stressed to meet Billie and all, but I can garantie, everything will be just fine." He says.


Billie's POV
"This is Billie, the girl you saw on the video." Blaze says in a baby voice to Oscar who's smiling like crazy and giggling like crazy in Blaze's lap. She picks him up and hands him to me, before walking up to Vicky who's been watching us from a distance.

I can tell they missed each other, so I don't focuse my attention on them, but on Oscar instead.

"Hey little dude." I say and look in aw at the little dude sitting in my lap now.

"Billie." He giggles. "Yes I'm Billie." I say and smile at him, causing him to smile right back.

I have a little more of a conversation with Oscar and later on with Vicky and Blaze, before we have to leave to meet with Simon and Alex.


We arrive at the building Jake told us to go to, where we're met by Jake who was waiting for us in the parking lot.

"Billie, Blaze. My favorite chicks in the world." He smiles and wraps an arm around both Blaze and I's shoulder. "Exciting?" He asks. "I already saw a sneak peak and it looks absolutly amazing. Simon and Alexis are so talented." He keeps on ranting until we're inside.

Once arrived at the office of Mike he lets go of us and knocks on the door. Mike opens and he's totally what I expected him to look like. An art dude all the way. "Ah Mike, good to see you." Jake says and brings him in a hug.

Simon and Alexis are already here and Jake also hugs both of them.

After that, Simon and Alexis move on to greeting us.

Then Alexis is in front of me. "Bil." She only manages to say and hearing the hurt and sadness and relieve and all the other emotions in her voice, makes me want to cry and kiss her and make love to her and be the best girlfriend she's ever had, but I know I can't. The only thing I can say is "Alex."

Everyone is looking at us with tension.

"Fuck this. Can I talk to her privately?" I ask Jake.

"No that's private stuff, not during work." He says and shakes his head.

"Come on dude." I beg and shoot him my puppy eyes, knowing he can't resist that.

"Alright, go ahead, 5 minutes." He says and nods.

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