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"So that's what happened," Niall concludes in a soft tone after explaining the situation to the boys as we all sit in their living room drinking cups of tea, courtesy of Louis.
"I'm so sorry guys," Harry says gently looking at Niall and I.
I just nod at him in response as I try and hold back the tears.

My life is about to change forever and I have no say in the matter.
I'm only eighteen for fucks sake. And Niall. He deserves better than this.
Than me.

"So will Lillianna live with you guys then?" Zayn asks Louis, Harry and Niall with a sad smile.
"Yeah they are moving my things here tomorrow morning, not that I have that much anyway," I reply and Niall slightly squeezes my knee.

"Well you two know that we will support you both no matter what. You are family," Liam explains and all the boys mutter in agreement.

"Thank you all so much, I really appreciate it," I say quietly as my voice cracks from crying.

"Well Liam and I better be off home. I'm sure you guys are exhausted from travelling all day from LA to London because I sure am and nothing traumatic has happened to me," Zayn says with a slight chuckle as he pulls me into a hug.

"It was lovely to see you both again," I reply as Liam hugs me tight. "You too darlin," Liam replies with a smile.

"We'll leave Niall to show you around the house. We are off to bed goodnight babe," Louis says as he hugs me tight and kisses my cheek softly. I can tell he is so angry at Simon and my management and has almost taken a big brother approach towards me.

"Goodnight Lilli," Harry says as he pulls me into his embrace and kisses my forehead before heading up the stairs with Louis.

Niall and I stare at each other and I can tell we both are thinking the same thing.

"I don't want things to be weird between us," I blurt out as I look at the floor and try to not cry.

"It won't be I promise," Niall replies as he steps closer and takes hold of my hand.

"I just can't believe this is happening Niall," I say as I look into his eyes and I can see that he too is trying to hold back tears.

"We can get through this Lilli, we have to stick together," Niall explains as he pulls me into a hug and we stand in the hallway hugging each other for what feels like forever.


"This is my bedroom here, it's a bit messy ignore that," Niall says and I can't help but slightly laugh as he tries to quickly tidy the mess.

His bedroom consists of white walls, a massive cream bed with a black headboard, an Irish flag draped across the feature wall and Irish writing all along the walls.

I run my finger over the writing and I can't help but smile.
"Are these your song lyrics written in Irish?" I ask with a smile and he nods, running his hand through his blond hair.

I look at all of the photos he has placed around his room, from photos with his family to touring with the boys all over the world and I can't help but feel even closer to him.

"I haven't seen you smile like this in a while," I say quietly and he just takes my hand in response.

We walk across the hall and parallel to his bedroom is a large spare bedroom that is completely bare. All that consists of the room is a large double bed and a window with an en-suite attached.

"This can be your bedroom if you would like. I know it looks horrible now but we can decorate it whatever way you like. Together," he explains and I can tell he is really trying to make me feel comfortable.

"I know it's stupid but I brought you some photos of mine that you can hang up on the wall until your stuff arrives, just so it feels more like home," he says nervously but I can't help myself from welling up.

"No, no don't cry I'll take the photos out no big deal," Niall says in a panic but I stop him and say,"No I want to keep them. I really appreciate the gesture, nobody has ever made me feel as comfortable as you have."

"I also brought you a long T-shirt of mine and another pair of Louis's jogging bottoms until your clothes and pyjamas arrive," Niall says shyly as he hands them to me. "If you need anything at all, just let me know I'm just across the hall," he explains with a small smile.

"Goodnight Niall," I say gently as I hug him tight and softly kiss his cheek. "Goodnight Lilli," Niall sighs with a small smile as he slowly walks out of the room.

"Yeah?" He asks, turning around to face me.

"Thank you. For everything."


I lay awake for what feels like forever as I'm unable to get my mind to turn off as I overthink every last detail of my life.

I think about Lillianna and how we are bound together in this journey for god knows how long.

She must be so fucking terrified. I know I am. At least I have the boys with me. She has nobody. I mean she has us now but I doubt she has anybody she could call and talk shit to at 3am.

I guess that's my job now.

I roll over and check the time. 4:12am.
maybe this is a nightmare. maybe I just imagined it.

As I go on my phone I soon realise that I definitely didn't just imagine this as my phone is blowing up.
I wonder if Lilli is asleep. Probably not.

I get up out of bed and pull my shorts on as I rub my eyes trying to make myself feel more alive. I walk along the landing and down the staircase towards the kitchen to get a glass of water when I hear a soft, heartbreaking sound coming from the living room.

I open the door and see Lillianna curled into a ball on the couch with her face in her knees sobbing as she watches TMZ on the TV announce our engagement.

It's probably the most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen.

She looks up at me with wide eyes filled with tears and I don't even make a sound or think twice as I walk to her and cradle her in my arms as we both sit on the couch and cry into the early hours of the morning.

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