1.12. Old flame, new love

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Loving you, I realized

I have never loved anyone before

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With my head floating in the clouds and my lips stretched into the biggest smile, I skipped to my next class where I would find the one person I yearned to see the most all day everyday. That was why even though I hated Tax law, I would always look forward to this class.

As soon as I walked through the hall entrance, I searched for the dark haired, soft featured bunny boy with my heart pounding rapidly against my chest. My eyes stopped on the boy fumbling with his backpack and my smile was about to grow double its size until the figure next to him caught my attention.

My smile dropped instantly.

The blonde man was digging into his backpack and I at least had some time to flee. I was about to search for a seat elsewhere until Jungkook waved at me with an endearing grin that was hard to ignore and I gulped before taking reluctant steps towards his desk, towards him. It's not like I did something wrong to feel this way, no. But the past was something I would always get hung up on. And this 'past' was one of my biggest mistakes.

The tiny crawls creeping up my skin with every step I took woke up all my nerves.

I tried my best to be oblivious to the man next to Jungkook and distraughtly sat down on the empty seat between them.

Why is he in this class? I had to trade my classes with others to avoid seeing him but now he's suddenly here? What does he want?

While I was taking off my coat, Jungkook was about to say something when the man on my other side beat him to it.

"Ina, long time no see. How long has it been? Almost two years?"

The cheerful tone of his voice was still there. The same tone I used to love but had come to detest.

I turned around to give him an indifferent look, trying my best to seem unaffected by his presence near me. If his parents weren't such horrible people like mine, if he didn't have the same principles as them, would I still have loved him like I did before? Would I have been happy with him like I did in my freshman year?

"Yes," I stated coldly, narrowing my eyes. "What are you doing here? I believe you don't belong here."

The blonde haired man let out his usual boisterous laugh, showing his lone dimple and perfectly aligned pearly teeth under his heart shaped lips. "If you could switch classes with others, I could, too."

I swallowed harshly.

"You're as beautiful as ever," he whispered, his eyes darting across my features with adoration dancing in them. "I missed you."

I hated how his words had even the slightest effect on me. Heat rose to my cheeks but I refused to drop my guard down, especially around someone like him.

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