2.8. Long-sought visit

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Suspicion is the greatest enemy of love

Whether it is true or not

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"Oh, you cooked?"

I was just finishing plating the steaks and dressing them with crispy herbs and mushrooms when Jungkook appeared in the kitchen, sniffing around. A surprised exclamation left him as he eyed the meat on the table, but he quickly looked at me in sheer confusion. There were two extra plates on the table after all.

"Are we having guests over?"

I sighed deeply, clutching the tongs. "My parents are coming as we speak."

He froze in place, feet planted to the floor and wide eyes boring holes into my head. From the talks about my life and situation, he must already know how rare and disconcerting their sudden visit was.

"I'm sorry about the dinner, you'll have to eat it in your room," I apologized, handing him one of the plates of steak. He bit his lips and slowly took it, watching me. "Whatever happens, do not come out of your room. They may be my parents, but they won't be charitable to anyone who's not associated with them or beneficial to them in any way. Not even a man who looked like their son-in-law..."

His eyebrows knitted together. "Did they dislike him?"

A chuckle that sounded like a scoff escaped me. "Dislike sounds better... If only they simply disliked him, not enough to hate him, and just enough to give him a chance to prove himself..."

The second Jungkook lifted a hand to reach my shoulder, the bell rang, jolting the both of us, and we both sprang up, leaping to random directions in alarm. Getting a hold of ourselves at the second ringing, Jungkook stumbled into the guest room, closing the door behind himself, and I sped towards the hallway and took a deep breath to calm my erratic heartbeats.

With one tug, I opened the door and there they stood before me. Clad in fancy attires and expensive jewelry, worn by time and corruption, the people who brought me to this world only to taint me with corruption were right there before my eyes after years of separation.

My graduation, my wedding, my first job interview... through every moment where I needed them the most, they weren't there for me. Even if I cut off ties with them, I still wanted them to reach out to me... but they never did. They were never there for me.

So what could possibly bring them here today?

After exchanging a brief silence, I stepped backwards and let them walk into the apartment, taking off their designer jackets and hanging them in the wardrobe. It almost felt surreal, having my parents over to my home and seeing them walk around the living room. Never in reality, but sometimes in my dreams had I witnessed such a scene unfold before me.

"How have you been, Ina?" My mother finally spoke and her voice sounded so familiar yet so distant. Her tone hadn't changed one bit, still the same rough yet high class sound, just a little sadness laced with it.

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