2.19. His sacrifice

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Mistakes are

A luxury we can't afford

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"I won't repeat myself," the man who was holding Jungah said and pushed the gun against her head, making her suck in a breath.

Jimin was the first to drop his pistol and I followed suit, cursing in my head and looking for a way to get out of the situation.

"Let her go," the pink haired man demanded, snarling at them.

The man in the front chuckled and shoved Jungah towards us, making her stumble before running to us. Jimin immediately rushed to reach her.

"Let her go to death, more like," the man piped before aiming at her. Panicking, I quickly bent down to grab my gun and a gunshot blared throughout the hallway.

When I looked to the front with my gun up, I gasped as Jimin dropped to his knees and coughed out loud. Jungah cried out in despair and held him up. He went in front of her and got shot instead.

Tightening my arms muscles, I pulled the trigger and shot two of them while Jungkook shot one with Jimin's gun, and they all fell to the floor before they could get us. Throwing my pistol away, I ran to the bleeding man.


"No! Please, no!" Jungah kept crying as Jimin panted and wheezed in her arms. "Please don't! I'm sorry! It's my fault! Please don't leave me!"

"It's not... your fault," he strained out hoarsely. His bloodied chest was heaving up and down and his eyes struggled to focus on her. "I... love you."

"Hyung," Jungkook gasped behind me.

Jimin's hand dropped from her cheek and his eyes closed shut. Jungah's sobs grew louder and she clutched his shirt, begging, pleading him to come back.

My hands trembled.

I couldn't save him.

The tapping sounds of footsteps echoed near and I jumped when a gunshot went off. A guttural groan turned my head towards another man who walked in but got thrown to the ground with Jungkook tackling him after shooting him in the knee. He let out a shaky breath after shoving the man face flat against the floor with his arms up on his back.

Wincing from the bullet wounds, I lifted myself up on my quivering legs and sluggishly approached them. Even if my throat was in burning knots, I took deep breaths and faced the burly man with the firmest expression I could show.

"Who sent you?!"

The man started laughing all of a sudden as if the whole situation was too hilarious. "Such a disgusting family you have, little girl, to the point of killing another family member."

I froze.

The blood in my veins chilled.

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