2.14. With rue, my heart is laden

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· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Fear is temporary

Regret is forever

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

You have chosen not to rewind the time

Pouring some honey lemon tea in a glass cup, I handed it to the timid blonde girl whose gaze never left the floor after she was brought to the couch in the living room to calm her. She weakly thanked me and took a small sip before placing the cup on her lap with her hands wrapped tightly around it.

Jungkook was sitting unusually close to me on the other side while watching Soyeon with a cautious and slightly frightening look after realizing she had stalked me here. His jaw was clenched, brows tightened into a deep furrow, and his whole expression hardened.

Every now and then, I gently patted his thighs to let him know it was okay and his form would relax a little. We allowed her to shake off the initial shock she had when coming in, or rather, dragged in to our apartment before she finally gained the strength to tell us what she was hiding.

"Ever since I got involved with Jungkook's case, I was beating myself up for not handling things properly," she started speaking in a low voice and directed her gaze at me. "You were suspicious of the whole thing, weren't you, Ina?"

"I still am."

She nodded slowly. "Is that why you're back to your work?"

I simply held her gaze, staying silent. If she wasn't going to explain whatever she was involved with, I wasn't going to drop a single word about my own situation.

"You don't know how deep rooted this problem you're getting yourself into is, but I can't blame you. You just want answers, don't you?" Soyeon sighed and drank her tea halfway. "I was suspicious of that case when it was given to me, but I was just a newbie who followed orders. I didn't want to ruin my career and get myself into trouble... What made me feel so much guilt was the fact that it was Jungkook's case. I argued with myself day after day and hated myself for being unable to do anything."

"Whose orders are you talking about?" Jungkook asked, balling his fists.

Her eyes darted to his. "My superiors, of course. They were unusually concerned with the case."



Her shaky hands clutched the glass cup tighter. "I never asked the reason. I couldn't. But I don't think it's for a good reason, obviously."

Taking a deep breath, I leaned forward to place my elbows on my knees and gave her a pleading look. "Soyeon... please tell us what you know. I know this is dangerous, but I just..." I sighed deeply, trying to find my words. "I don't want things to end this way. Jungkook is gone and I know the reason behind his death is something I don't know about. It's unfair. And even if you don't tell me anything, I won't stop until the end."

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