1.18. The distance between us

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Sometimes the worst place you can be

Is in your own head

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"Due to the inflation skyrocketing recently, the standard of living has been slumping dramatically. Price has been soaring significantly and the average salary has been reported to be insufficient for making a living especially with tax rates shooting up."

Jumping out of the cramped bus, I drew in a deep breath, letting my lungs intake much needed air after being squeezed for half an hour. A typical morning of going to work with the radio announcements already tripling my stress.

After arriving at my work barely on time as usual due to traffic issues, I entered my office and greeted Hyejeong with a sigh.

"The day has only started but I already want to end it," I mumbled as I strode towards my desk beside hers. "I wanna hibernate."

"Okay, baby bear. Maybe chill a bit, listen to music," she chuckled while typing on her computer.

Heaving another sigh, I pulled out my phone and scrolled for some uplifting songs that unfortunately never arrived.



Listened to that for hundred times.


Not feeling it.

Not feeling it.



Groaning, I threw my phone on my desk and my head on my chair. "Why are we so deprived of good music? I want nice songs about stressful days like this and just life in general... Not everyday we would want to dance to some disco music."

The peach haired girl hummed, "Well, true."

"Hyejeong, Ina."

One of our coworkers who looked like the embodiment of gluttony peeked through the door and called for us. I glanced at the wall clock and clenched my teeth.


5 freaking minutes.

Couldn't this poor excuse of a living being give me 5 freaking minutes I deserved to do anything before work started?

"Damage control at room 420. Stat."

Hyejeong gawked at the man. "But- Why us?"

He paused for a moment before breaking into a fit of laughter, bending forwards due to the force. "You should know where you stand in the hierarchy, right? All the way down at the floor level, sweetheart."

Déjà vu | Jungkook fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now