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  At the Battle of Barnet, the Yorks were winning, but Lord Warwick continued to fight on, despite George now switching the York side

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  At the Battle of Barnet, the Yorks were winning, but Lord Warwick continued to fight on, despite George now switching the York side.

Soon enough, he was cornered by dozens of York men, but still, he continued to fight on, killing any man that came his way.

Lord Warwick suddenly froze, looking forward to see Edward standing from afar. Richard and George stood near him as well. The three sons of York.

Edward stood in place and Warwick raised his sword. He practically dared the York man to come after him, but still, he didn't.

Warwick frowned, beginning to believe it wasn't him the York brothers were staring at. It was what was behind him.

Just as Warwick was about to lower his sword to see what they were looking at, he was stabbed in the back. He yelled out in pain, slowly turning around.

He immediately looked horrified at the sight of Nora, who had been wearing a man's armor to sneak into the battle, clearly just to get her hands on him.

She had been waiting to kill him for ten years. She wasn't going to let anyone else do it, even if it meant taking part in the actual battle.

She knew enough to survive through it. That was all that matter.

"Justice for my father," She whispered to him softly, seeing as though Warwick had stabbed her father in the back so she decided to do the same to him.

Warwick attempted to lunge at Nora again, but she stabbed him a second time. She drove her sword through his abdomen and as he fell to the ground, his eyes remained lock on Edward.

Nora took a large step back, allowing the other men to finish him off.

Edward remained in place, watching the scene closely. He didn't move a muscle. He knew Nora doing such a thing to Warwick was well deserved. However, the sight of the woman he loved murdering the man who he once loved like a brother did break his heart.


After the battle, the York brothers stood in a tent together as Nora tended to Richard's wounded arm.

"What the hell was that back there?" George practically shouted at Nora.

Nora turned to George, giving him an annoyed look. "I avenged my father. What did it look like?" She asked him without a care in the world, causing George to groan in frustration.

"Did you truly go about that entire battle just to get to Warwick?" Richard questioned, looking up at Nora as she continued to stick up his arm.

"Richard, I've been waiting ten years to do that. I wasn't going to let anyone else have the satisfaction of killing Warwick," Nora explained in a calm tone, "And if that meant I had to fight through that battle, I did not care. I might be a woman, but it does not mean I don't know enough about a sword to use one. Though, I will never do it again. I vow on that."

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