The Shoot Pt 2

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Warning: this chapter contains sexual abuse. I don't want to trigger anyone so I'll put a disclaimer when the scene begins and ends.

Kiki's POV

"You're a pornstar now? The irony." I scoffed looking at Tyrone. The last I knew his dick wasn't even half of Aron's size.

Let alone could he keep it up.

How is he getting off making porn?

Is this a joke?

"How have you been?" He asked stepping closer allowing me to take in all his features.

I couldn't lie, he was still quite handsome.

His hair was cut low, with the same brown eyes and dimples.

He had grown facial hair, I also noticed he got a couple tattoos and gained a couple pounds. He looked more muscular and bad ass now.

Still wasn't nothing compared to Aron.

"Amazing. And yourself?" I asked. Even though I hated this mans guts, what happened happened over four years ago.

We both moved on obviously.

"Life's been great. I've just been living my life as a pornstar." He said with a huge smile on his face. I could tell he really liked his job.

"You really like your job huh?" I asked as he responded quickly.

"Hell yeah I get to fuck bad bitches every day all day and get paid for it." I simply rolled my eyes at his foolishness.

"Welp I'm happy your happy." I pulled out my phone looking down at it hoping he would take that as a sign to walk away, the conversation is done now.

"So are you single?" I felt him plop next to me on the couch as he licked his lips looking me up and down.

"Actually I'm not. My boyfriend is in the next room setting up the equipment." I said not looking up from my phone.

"Damn too bad. Age has done you well. I see you've finally grown some titties." I shot him a evil glare meaning shut up and leave me the hell alone.

"About what happened years ago-" he started but I quickly interrupted.

"Look I don't want an apology and quite frankly I don't want to be your friend. I was just trying to be cordial but now you getting on my fucking nerves." And with that I got up from the couch leaving my dumbfounded ex.

I was proud of standing up for myself.

I wasn't going to let him think that we just cool now despite everything that's happened. Yes I'm over what happened but I'm not going to forget it.

He's the reason I've felt so self conscious over the years, he made me feel so unsexy that I thought I wouldn't be good enough for another man.

He's the reason I'm so insecure now and why I feel like it's always a better looking female with better pussy than me out there.

I peeped around the corner seeing Aron still setting up his equipment.

"Babe?" I said kind of whispered not wanting everyone to hear me.

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