Never Again

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Kiki's POV

A week later

It's been over a week and I've been a living mess. And now that I started my period I was a worse emotional wreck.

Faithfully Aron has called me at least five times a day every day and I couldn't bring myself to answer the phone.

I mean it's a possible this man has a baby with a woman who he not only still loves but looks exactly like me.

When I first saw Paige I felt like Tia and Tamara on the movie Twitches when they first saw each other at the clothing store.

The crazy part is I still thought she looked better than me.

I haven't even called Pao and told her what happened because I know how she is.

She will kill Tyrone based off our past back in the day. And possibly Paige for trying to come back into Aron's life and ruin our future.

If she knew Tyrone attempted to touch me I knew I wouldn't see my friend for years because she would be locked up for life.

So for this past week I've been getting drunk of my ass watching reruns of greys anatomy.

(A/N I had originally placed a MAJOR SPOILER ALERT about the show Grey's Anatomy without realizing until now and I understand how fucked up that is. Im so sorry. I I apologize to every single that I have offended. I've changed the whole scene completely.)

"I can't believe that Mr McSteamy is the  same actor that plays Nate's Dad in Euphoria. My oh my was he yummy back then." I said to myself as I shoved another handful of popcorn in my mouth.

I heard a loud knock on my door startling me causing my popcorn to fly everywhere.

I get up looking out the peephole seeing the one and only Pao.

I opened the door as she looked at my appearance making her eyes soften.

"So this is why you haven't been answering my calls. You been in here grieving. And I want to hear all about it. You pushed me away long enough." She forced herself in plopping down on my couch picking up my bowl of popcorn helping herself out.

"Of course you can have some Pao. Thanks for asking." I said smugly plopping down right next to her.

"Someone's on their period ain't they?" Pao joked causing me to mean mug her.

"Is it about Aron?" She questioned still eating my popcorn.

"So much has happened Pao I don't know if you're ready for it."

"Try me."


"I'll kill him and the doppelgänger."

"What's a doppelgänger?

"As many shows you watch on that damn Netflix you don't know what a doppelgänger is?"

"Just tell me."

"A doppelgänger is basically someone who looks exactly like you but is the total opposite from you. I believe you have found your doppelgänger my friend."

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