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No One's POV

There Aron stood over Kiana's casket looking down at her lifeless body.

He couldn't help but cry because he couldn't save her in time.

If only he came downstairs three seconds sooner she wouldn't have bleed out.

She looked so beautiful in a all white dress with her hands folded over her torso neatly.

Her hair was pinned up along with some makeup on her face to make her look less dead.

He missed he more than anything.

Aron felt more tears come to his eyes as he cradled clueless Mason in his arms.

Aron had lost the love of his life and his potential mother figure.

"I'm so sorry Mason." He cried as Paige came up behind him hugging his waist.

"Come on baby let's go home."

Kiki's POV

I woke up in a complete sweat.

I looked down seeing Mason was sleeping peacefully in my arms as I looked beside me seeing Aron's slumped like a bear.

Snoring like one too.

I touched my stomach feeling no bullet or blood leaking through it.

Did I really just dream that?

Did I just dream of my murder and funeral?

It felt so real.

I honestly thought I was dead for a minute.

Looking over at the time it was 3:45 am, crazy part is I don't remember falling asleep after giving Mason his bath.

I simply lifted Mason's sleeping body placing him right next to Aron.

They even slept the same.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to grab a water bottle chugging it down.

My mouth was so dry.

"You're up pretty early." Lizzie said scaring the hell out of me causing me to drop my water bottle with the remaining water spreading everywhere.

"You okay?" She asked helping me grab extra paper towel placing it on top of the water.

"Yeah just a little startled I had the worse nightmare." I said rubbing my forehead before throwing the paper towel away.

"You wanna talk about it?" She offered as she placed down two glasses filling them up with whiskey.

I quickly took her offer as we clanked our glasses together swallowing the harsh liquid.

"I had a dream that I was murdered. Like I felt the actual pain of the bullet through my body. It just felt so real and now I'm kind of in a daze."

"That's dark. Do you have any enemies I should know about?" She joked pouring us another shot each.

"Of course not." I giggled starting to feel hot from the liquor.

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