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Kiki's POV

It was like time was flying by.

After Aron returned with a shirt and some shoes for me we were instantly on the way to the restaurant.

My parents didn't even meet up with us, she just sent me a text to meet her at the Stoney River Restaurant that she had reservations for everyone.

Pao and Travis were driving right behind as we drove to the destination.

Here I sat in the passenger seat with a shirt way to big for my body and man shoes.

My mother is going to flip because I'm coming dressed like this to a fancy restaurant.

All fucking well.

"How do you feel? Do we need to stop anywhere and get you some ginger ale?" Aron asked sweetly earning a smile from me as I chewed the peppermint flavored gum in my mouth.

"Surprisingly I'm hungry as a horse. My stomach feels so empty."

"As it should with all that throw up that went everywhere." Aron laughed.

"Don't remind me." I said in a grim tone.

"Loosen up babe. Some day we'll tell this story to our kids-"

"Our kids?" I interrupted.

"Yes our kids." He repeated.

"How's Paige?" I asked genuinely wanting to know.

"Tomorrow she's going to admitted into the hospital. I already signed the papers so Mason is in my custody but I wanted to give her one last day with her son." He explained.

"I'm sorry about what I said a couple day ago. Saying I didn't care about Paige dying. I was just so jealous and upset-"

"You don't need to apologize baby. After how she came at you when she popped up at my crib then putting her hands on Pao. I'm not saying she deserves this no one deserves to die of cancer but karma was going to bite her in the butt."

"Are you ready to be with me even though I have a son that I now will have to take care of 24/7?" He asked waiting on my answer.

Of course I wanted to be with him.

I just didn't know if I was ready to hop back into a relationship after what he did.

I really wanted to continue on with this break.

"I want us to continue being friends and working up to that point."

Aron gripped the wheel tightly as his focus remained on the road.

"I love you Aron. I just can't and I won't get hurt again."

"You're acting like I fucked Paige! I gave her a small peck on the lips. No tongue, no emotion, no nothing. I felt bad that she was dying and since she can't have me because I'm in love with you and I don't want anything to do with her I gave her a farewell kiss. Yes I kissed my babymomma who is dying from cancer just to ease her mind. I know it was wrong but you're blowing this out of proportion."

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