Never Again Pt 2

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(Basically the chapter DNA but in Aron's POV)

Aron's POV

It's been over a week since I saw Kiana last and I was going fucking crazy.

I missed everything about her.

Her touch.

Her smell.

Her laugh.

Just everything about her.

I haven't been this deeply in love with a woman since Paige.

And even then it wasn't this strong.

I called Kiana every day faithfully hoping she would pick me but if I was in her shoes I would be hurt too.

Knowing that the man you love is having a baby with his ex can take quite a toll on someone.

We don't even know for sure if he's mine but we'll see after today when the results come in.

I went downstairs to see Lizzie and PJ at the dinner table eating cereal.

"Morning." Lizzie said all cheerfully.

"Morning." I grumbled back.

"Someone's cranky." PJ joked earning a mean look from me.

"She still hasn't answered your calls huh?" Lizzie questioned as I shook my head.

"I don't know what to do. I'm so tempted to go over her house but I'm trying to give her space." I said as they shook their heads.

"She'll be back. I haven't seen you this happy with a woman in a minute. I can tell you guys love each other." PJ said as I thanked her.

"So I checked the mail earlier and this came." Lizzie said handing me a enclosed envelope.

"And your just now telling me!"

"Slow your horses mister. I was waiting until you came down from your cave of a room. Like honestly man you need to get it together I understand you're hurting but your stronger than this." Lizzie said as I ripped open the envelope scanning the paper.

"I can't believe this shit." I said palming my forehead.

"The baby is yours?" PJ asked as I shook my head yes.

"So what are you going to do?" Lizzie said.

"Of course I'm going to be in this baby life. I know what it's like to grow up without a father I don't wish that on no child. This baby is innocent in this situation." I explained.

"At least you got to priorities straight." PJ commented.

"I just know it going to be hard to get my Kiana back."

"No it's not. She has to understand that this pregnancy happened way before the two of you started dating."

"True true." PJ commented.

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