Love Of My Life

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Kiki's POV

"You're serious?" I asked still baffled at the idea of living with him.

I mean we just made it official again the night before he doesn't think this is going too fast?

"I'm more serious than anything. I want you here with me for the rest of our lives together. I fucked up once and I'm not going to ever again. Also I know you're still looking for a job, I don't want you to have to keep dipping into your savings just to survive when I have a place here where you don't have to pay anything." He explained.

"I wouldn't mind staying with you actually I just felt like it was going to fast. We just got back together."

"Yes we did but you also promised Paige and I that you're going to be in Masons life. How you gon do that living in another place?"

He did have a point.

Did I really wanna bring the baby back and forth from my place to his?

The baby is too young to be traveling like this. He can get sick easily.

Also I was running pretty low on funds, and all the jobs I've applied too acted like they didn't wanna hire me because I've worked at an library my whole life.

"Move in with me baby." He said stepping closer as she rocked Masons little body.

"Fuck it. We only get one life." I said as he jumped up and down with his fist in the air.

"But I'm going to decorate that boring room of yours." I said placing my arms over my chest causing his gaze to lower.

"Anything you want baby."


It was currently 9:00pm and we just finished grabbing all my clothes and stuff I needed at the moment out of my little apartment.

Boy oh boy I was going to miss this place.

I just didn't know what I was going to do with my furniture and stuff.

We packed the last bag making it fit in the trunk. We grabbed all my food, clothes, necessities, and of course my liquor stash to add to his collection.

I opened the backseat taking a look at Mason seeing him still sleeping soundly.

I tucked a blanket on the sides of the car seat feeling it starting to get cooler outside because it was getting close to night time.

Kissing him forehead I closed the door softly as I felt Aron standing directly behind.

"You got everything babe?" He asked stuffing his face in the corner of my neck placing a single kiss on my sweet spot.

"Yes." I muttered out as his hands my they're way to my waist.

"I can't wait to get you home." He rumbled in my ear as I glanced at my mailbox seeing it was pretty full.

"I haven't checked my mail in weeks. Let me just grab it and we'll be on our way." I said walking towards it opening it and taking out the contents.

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