Who Are You?!

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(Y/n) P.O.V

Ayyy this day couldn't get anymore tiring. I decide to walk around campus to look for a place to draw. Why not the faculty of Architecture? They usually have a wide space for their students to draw. Hmm not a bad idea. I proceed to the building and find a bench to sit.

As I was drawing a shadow cast over me. Startled by this I drop the pencil I was holding. I was about to pick it up when another hand comes into view. The stranger picks it up and hands over my pencil. I don't make eye contact but thank them and proceed with the drawing. Still they didn't move from their place and I'm force to look up.

"You need something?" I ask and notice that it was a guy.

He chuckles. "Mind if I sit beside you?" gesturing on the empty seat beside me.

"Go ahead." I resume with my drawing.

"What a pretty day isn't it?" he tries to make small talk.

"Hm?" busy with making erasures from my drawing.

"I said what a pretty day."

"Oh, yeah it is." I still didn't glance at them.

"I like you." now that made me stop from my work.

I look up at him and furrow my brows.

I look up at him and furrow my brows

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"Hi I'm Rama from faculty of Architecture. I've been admiring you for quite a while now, (y/n)." he held out his hand for me to shake. But I just stare at him.

"It's quite rude to stare you know. But since you're cute I'll let it pass." he smiles at me.

Oh god. What in the world is going on? I blurt out the first thing that came into my mind.


"Hmm? I don't think so. Last time I remember is that you haven't dated since you were in high school." Oh shit. How did he know that? Well I mean, yeah, everyone actually knows.

"Y-yes I do!" I defend myself.

"Well I'll just steal you from him then." he smirks.

He stands from where he was seating and starts to walk away.

"It was nice meeting you in person (y/n), I hope to see you again soon." with that he left with a wink.

I just sat there not knowing what to do.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. This is not good. Why tf did I say I have a boyfriend?!

-time skip-

I run to the cafeteria and spot the boys table. Ohm spots me first and waves his arms all around. In another situation I would've laugh but I was panicking. Fong saw this and immediately meets halfway.

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