New Members And What Now?

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I arrive at school a bit earlier than expected. My uncle dropping me off, as my car is still with Air. Walking down the steps I notice that the girls are staring at me. What? Is it my hair? Something in my face? Or what I'm wearing? I look down to check anything wrong. I'm only wearing a striped sweater.

 I'm only wearing a striped sweater

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(*p.s don't mind the shorts.)

There's not even a mess? I ignore them and continue my way over to the boys. Eh, whatever.

"(y/n) come here!" Ohm waves me over. Oh shit. They rarely call me by my name. What did I do now?

"What did I do wrong?" taking a seat beside Ohm.

"So wrong. Look." He points to his phone.

As I see that Dim uploaded Sarawat's video with me in it. In his room. Oh my freaking goodness. I can imagine now how many girls want my head for this.

"After your club president posted this video, everyone went crazy." all the boys look at me. "People were wondering why you were with Sarawat in his room."

"Look guys, I can explain." I start. But Ohm cuts me off with additional info.

"He doesn't even allow his own friends inside." Oh shit.

"Just.. Let me explain okay? First of all, the #TeamSarawatWives must have set a price for my head by now."

"For sure they do." agrees Fong.

"Shhh. I'm explaining. Second, I was only there because I had to record for the club requirements." I see the boys have a look on their face. "Because I know if I did it over at Tine's dorm room you guys would be noisy. Don't deny that fact. Last all I did was record over there and he drops me off at my place. Nothing happened after. So stop thinking of things like them and be grossed perverts about it." placing my hands on my face and sigh.

"Look on the bright side, at least Rama stops bothering you. Did he come to bother you this morning?" Fong asks me. I mean, he is right. I did not see Rama and for a fact he always knows whenever I step foot in school. I swear he has eyes and ears everywhere or he has a sixth sense from finding me.

"You're right." agreeing with him. "Sarawat is very helpful."

"We have reason to celebrate." Phuak interrupts. "How about this evening?"

"This evening?" this time Tine is the one who speaks up. "We're not available."

Phuak brushes him off.

"It's the first day of cheerleading rehearsal." I add. They all look at the both of us and are annoyed.

"Come on Tine. We know that you want to hit on cute cheerleaders that's why you joined." Ohm exposes our friend. "And you (n/n), I have no idea why you joined at all. You didn't even tell us the reason."

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