In The Same... Club?

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I wrote a letter to the university to excuse my absence due to my injured foot. They of course excused me. Now all I did for the past days I was stuck inside my condo was watch do my missed out assignments if I have any, baked some cookies and binge watch any series that was available.

Now it's Wednesday my dudes.

My foot feels a bit better now and I don't limp anymore. All I did was rest. Applied ointments and did hot and cold compress. Of course I started to smell like ointments too, but it doesn't bother me since it relieves me a bit if I do get a headache.

I'm eating some of my baked goods and sharing it with the boys. After I told them about my encounter with Sarawat a few days ago.

"You walked away just like that?" Phuak says in disbelief on what I did. "How stupid!"

"He said all those things to me! What should you do? Right, Fong?" I turn to Fong in case he backs me up on this.

"Right." He replies. I smirk. "Phuak is right." he then turns to Phuak.

This makes him smirk and I pout.

"You don't have his number. How will you contact him now?" he adds. "You're silly."

Both of them scratch their heads out of irritation.

"So what? I should ask him his number after he called me a psycho and all those other comments?!" I am pissed by their reactions. I understand they want to help but...

"(n/n) calm down." Tine tries to calm me down and pat my back gently.

I turn to Ohm and Tine.

"What about you both?! Go ahead and tell at me already like what these two did." I cross my arms and pout. This sucks. I mean yeah their overreacting at times.

"Shit!" Ohm shouts loud enough only for our table to hear.

"That's it?" I ask, curious that he only has one word to say.

"I wasn't talking to you (n/n)." He then starts to point at his laptop. "Someone posted a video of Sarawat in a closed group."

"Geez you guys are really dedicated to get me this guy to be my fake boyfriend huh? Makes me lucky."

We all gather around Ohm's laptop.

Tine slams the laptop shut on Ohm's fingers. I giggle at this.

"Let's not watch it. It gets me frustrated."

"I think I just found you a way (n/n)." Fong looks at me. "If you can get in the same club he's in, you'll get to see him more often." the boys around the table nod their heads at this.

"That's right." the three agree.

"But there's on problem tho." Phuak interject. "We don't know which club he's going to join."

I dread at this. More time with that asshole? No way. Fuck, but I don't want to spend more time with Rama too. Ughh.. Plus I already have a club I've been eyeing and it's the music club.

The boys realize and they all agree.

Suddenly Tine chimes in.

"That's easy." He says. We all look at him. "A senior called him this morning and told him to go rehearse in the music club."

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