Oh You're Staying The Night As Well?

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Tine's P.O.V

I turn to (y/n) as she calls out my name.


"Nothing, what are you doing here?" She walks over, and sits beside me. "Aren't you sleepy yet?"

"I'm just thinking." I reply. Still staring at the night sky.

She leans her head beside me, I tense up, but relax a few seconds after.

"What's Tin-tin thinking of this time?" She whispers. I smile softly. I like it when she calls me Tin-tin, the special nickname that she gave to me when we were in high-school.

"Is he thinking about how to get a girlfriend?" I can sense the smirk she has on right now. "Aish Tin-tin, if you keep on playing with girls like that you'll end up hurt." her voice fills with concern.

"I still take care of them," I reason out. "It's not like I date them all at once."

I hear her sigh. "I know that, but how can you keep a girl if you keep on choosing the ones that pleases your eyes?"

She does have a point.

"(n/n), don't worry about me. Right now you should worry about yourself. Getting into a fake relationship just so, you can avoid a guy who likes you. You can't run away from your problems forever. It'll keep on chasing you until you get tired."

"Since when have I grown tired from running? That's one of the things I know what to do in order to survive."

"You'll eventually get tired."

She doesn't respond this time. Instead, she just hugs me by the side.

"Well, I'll keep on running until I can't run anymore. I know you'll always be behind me." she whispers.

It's now or never I guess.

"I have something to-" but I am cut off by groans from the living room.

"That must be Ohm. He's probably having a nightmare from the movie we watched." she stands up, and enters the room. "I'll be right back." she calls out to me.

(Y/n) P.O.V

Just before I walk into the living room. I grab a plush cat from my bed and take it with me to the living room. I sit beside Ohm and place the plush cat on his chest. He immediately hugs it and calms down. Smiling softly, I brush his hair with my fingers.

"Ahh, I remember when you guys comforted me whenever I have those nightmares. Let me return those favors too." I whisper.

Five minutes later, I walk back out to the balcony and see Tine dozing off.

"Tin-tin," tapping on the sleeping boy's shoulder. "Wake up, you fell asleep in the balcony again."

He stirs from his sleep. "Hmm? Oh, yeah. Sorry about that." He stretches and yawns.

"Let's go back inside."

"You stay in your room (n/n). I'll go over to the living room and sleep now." He walks over to me and hugs me. "Good night." Then let go, and exits my room.


-time skip-

I lay down on my bed and grab my phone from the night stand. Unlocking the phone, I click the  Line App. Scrolling through the contacts, I stop and click Sarawat's line.

What am I doing? I haven't seen him at school and music club then I bother him at 1am in the morning?

Fuck it. I'll just text him. If he doesn't reply, that's fine. If he does, that's fine as well.

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