I'll Let You Grab My Boobs

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(Y/n) P.O.V

It's Friday and the professors excused those who are in the music club as to prepare for the music festival tomorrow. Right now I'm with Sarawat distributing flyers to invite students for tomorrow's event.

"Music Club is having a music show called Altermajeeb this Saturday. Please come and join us." I start handing out flyers. But girls would just pass me by and take Sarawat's.

Tsk. Where are the fans when you need them?

"It's exhausting and hot. I'm freaking thirsty. I know I should've brought my bag with me. Why'd I have to leave it at the club." wiping my sweat from my forehead.

A girl purposely bumps into me and it makes me let go of the flyers I hold.

"OI! Watch where you're going!" I shout at her, but she ignores me and continues walking a faster pace.

"Aish, I'll freaking get that bitch and make her regret bumping into me." Whispering to myself. I start to pick up the flyers.

"Stop messing things and stop complaining." Sarawat comments. Oh? So I'm the one complaining?

"(Y/n)," I look up at him. "I need to go to guitar practice." He hands me over his part of the flyer. What the fuck am I going to do with this one?

"Do it yourself. Don't you see I have alot in my hands?"

"You are ungrateful." He starts. Uhhm? Excuse me? Me? Ungrateful? "I just helped flirt with you in front of Rama the other day. Can't you help me with this?"

"Oh please!" I scoff at him. "Your random flirt set the price for my head all over social media! I swear all the girls are not after me. Your friends told them it was a joke and saved my ass. If you wanted to make it up to me, make sure you hold the end of your bargain and take responsibility. You don't have to go so big next time."

"You talk to much." He slaps the flyers onto mine. "If I made you blush too much, just say it." patting my shoulder, he walks away.

"Why I oughta-!" I try to chase after him but just give up and pick up the remaining pieces of flyers on the ground.

A few minutes later, after I collect all of the fallen flyers.

"Aish." I hear pieces of flyer fall. I look over to see that it's Mil.

I help him pick up pieces of paper. After helping him.

"(Y/n)! Thank you." He smiles at me. Ahh so cuteee. I just want to put him in a sack and place him in my room like a toy.

"Mil, you remember my name."

"Of course I do. You helped me play the right chord. You are in the Faculty of Laws, aren't you?" he asks.

"That's right." I nod at him.

"I have a friend in that Faculty too."

"Seriously? What's your friend's name? I might know them."

"Her name is Baifern." Oh a girl?

"Ahh Baifern. Yeah, she seats a few chairs infront of me. She's very kind too. So how is your practice going?" I ask him.

"Not so bad. It's okay, I guess. How about yours?"

"Ahh, I broke my guitar the other day.. But don't worry, if it's back from the repair shop we should jam together." Unaware also that someone is eavesdropping in our conversation.

"Sure." With that he walks away.

Great, now I'm stuck with flyers. Just as I'm going to leave my place and walk somewhere else to distribute the flyers, I hear footsteps coming from all of directions.

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