Forgotten Night And Food Reviews

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(Y/n) P.O.V

We both look at each other and he stares down at my lips as he leans in closer. Then falls unconscious.

"Hey!" I shake him. "Wat!" I'm back to my senses and push him off me in hopes that will wake him up.

"Saraleo!! What did you just do?" I shake him awake but he's out cold. "Get up and talk to me!"

"Let go of my hand." he groans and turn to the side. I walk to the balcony. What the fuck just actually happened??

I hear my phone ring and I walk back inside the room and pick up my phone. It's from Old Kwang. Shit! It's a Wednesday night! I look at the time and it's already 8pm.

"Hello Old Kwang?"

"Child? Where are you? I'm short on hands here and I didn't expect alot of customers to be eating tonight. There's a group of college students here and other business men who decided to eat here! Hurry up! I'm sorry to disturb but you're needed here!"

"Hehe, sorry about that. I lost track of time. Don't worry old Kwang. I'll be there soon."

I end the call and grab my purse and the plastic bag on the counter. The whole ordeal with Sarawat made me forgot that it's a Wednesday night and I'm suppose to be at old Kwang an hour ago. Shit. It doesn't also help with the fact he just had an outburst and kissed me! Will he even remember that in the morning?

I rush over to the parking lot and drive to Old Kwang's canteen.

Arriving there 10 minutes later, I see that the canteen is pack with many people and an old lady rushing around. I immediately get out of the car and walk over to the kitchen and start preparing the soup of the day.

Waiting for the soup to cook. I walk out and help with the orders.

"Old Kwang. You go handle the business men and I'll talk to the college students." I take a notepad and pen. Walking over to their table.

One of them notices me.

"(Y/n)! You work here?" He asks.

"Oh, hi Peter. I just help around. Anyway what are you having for tonight?"

"We'll have a pineapple baked rice, some shrimps, buttered chicken, and the famous pad Thai. Also the soup of the day." I jot down their order.

"Anything else?"

"For our drinks we'd like to have a 5 bottles of soju and a pitcher of blue Hawaiian." He adds.

"Okay, we'll have that ready in half an hour. Is that okay?" I ask.

"Sure, it won't be a problem."

"Yeah." The others agree.

I walk back into the kitchen and prepare their meals.

-time skip-

It's 3 am in the morning and we're just closing the canteen. Didn'treally expect alot of customers would eat tonight. We rarely get to close at 3am. I walk over to my car and drive home.

Arriving at my place, I walk to my couch and take a seat. Tired from all the cooking and serving. I pass out.

A few hours pass and I am woken up by the constant knocking on my door.

"(Y/n). (Y/n)! Are you dead in there?"

I sit up from my bed. Wait, what? Since when did I move from the couch to the bed?

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