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"Welcome Susan, Lucy, Y/N, daughters of Eve," He adds, "And welcome to you, beavers, you have my thanks." Aslan says his thanks to the other animals.

"But where is the fifth?" The lion asks, Making Y/N look down, again, "That's why were hear sir, we need your help." Peter states, standing up.

"We had a little trouble along the way." Susan sighs, "Edmund was captured by the white witch." Y/N speaks up, the lion looks at her, giving her a look that he knew what happened. He knew she had met the Ice Queen.

"Captured? How could this happen?" Alsan asks, "He betrayed them your majesty!" The beaver exclaims, "Then he betrayed us all!" A guard shouts, "Peace, Orieus, I'm sure there's an explanation." Aslan calms his guard.

"It's my fault. I was too hard on him." Peter sighs, "We all were." Susan speaks.

"Sir, he's our brother." Lucy says, "I know dear one. But that only makes the betrayal, all the, worse. This may be harder than you think," Aslan looks at the young girl, "But let's get you out of your cold clothes first."

The girls were given a tent and dresses to change into. Y/N' dress was like Lucy' but only in a bigger size.

They walked to the nearest river, splashing around, laughs and giggles fill the air, the bottom of their dresses, wet.

Susan runs to a towel, which was hanging on a tree branch behind them.

The older girl screams, the younger ones run to her, seeing the wolves, again, standing across from her.

"Please don't try and run. We're tired and we prefer to kill quickly." The wolf says, Y/N turns to Susan, "Your horn." she whispers to her, the brunette nods, running to her horn as Y/N helped Lucy up the tree.

Susan blew the horn before climbing up the tree herself, trying to help Y/N up, only for the wolves to grab the bottom of her dress, landing her onto the ground.

The wolves slowly walk to her, Y/N backs up to the tree truck, only to be picked up by her arms, Susan picked up the girl, setting her onto the branch.

"Get back!" Peter screams, he runs to the wolves, his sword in his hand, "We've already been this before, we both know you haven't got it in you." The wolf smirks.

The other wolf was suddenly on the ground, by Aslan, Narnia warriors stand, ready to fight.

"No. Stay your weapons. This is Peter' battle." Aslan spoke to the army.

"You may think you're a king, but you're going to die. Like a dog!" The wolf shouts and tackled Peter.

The girls on the tree, jump down and rush to Peter, who still laid on the ground, they pushed the wolf off to find the sword had went through it' body.

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