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They moved in with each other, it barely was anything but it was cozy, a place they could call home.

The two had small jobs, that paid well, they were still talkative to their families.

Peter - who was now twenty-two-years-old, a grown man and still believed in Narnia - would joke around and talk about weddings to the two.

As for Susan - who was now twenty-one-years-old - she remembers about Narnia, but she says it's her imagination.

And Lucy - who was now seventeen-years-old - she never forgot about Narnia, she talks to Y/N about every day she visits, talking about how she wished to be there right now.

Helen Pevensie and her husband invited all her children - Susan never came, she was fairly busy in America - including Eustace and his friend Jill and Y/N - on a train ride.

They never made it back back home, for the train crashed, causing all the passengers on the train to sadly pass.

Susan barely cried, even if she did they were always happy tears, but she cried herself to sleep.

So did M/N. She now had a daughter, her only child, her baby, who was now dead.

But it was ok, for now Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Y/N are all in Aslan' country, with all their friends - including Reepicheep.

Somehow they found a way to speak to Caspian - he was now a grown man, older than before - he never saw them, but heard them. That made him feel better.

Susan wished she was on the train, but knew she would never make to 'Aslan' Country' if there ever was such a thing.

She went to Edmund and Y/N' house, sat on their sofa and cried. When Edmund and Y/N were supposed to come home, they were going to America to visit Susan.

Susan cried harder when she walked into her childhood home. She read the diary of her sister, how she wrote down all her memories of Narnia and pictures she drew of Aslan.

Susan was now alone, her entire family wiped away from her once again. Her siblings, her best friend, taken from her forever.

The Lion had taken them away from her, she cried when she blamed it on him. She blamed everyone for their deaths, even blamed herself.

She couldn't cope, not now, not ever. She grew up to be a very beautiful woman, men would ask her out all the time in America, but when she went back to England everyone know of what happened to the Pevensie'.

Susan wiped her face again, as five years have passed since their deaths, all six of their headstones were lined all together - M/N beside Y/N'.

"Tell Aslan I said hello." Susan sighs, placing her purse more up her arm, "I'll see you all very soon."

And with that Susan returned to America, to her empty house, but with a mind full of thoughts and questions, begging to be answered by the lion.

Why them?

Why couldn't it been me?

Why my entire family, you evil thing?

Bring them back


I'm begging you, just let me hug Lucy again, let me tell her I love her

Let me play chess with Edmund again, and lose all the time.

Let me give my new book to Peter, he loves them, he read my first one, and my second one. I know he's going to love this one.

Let me at least laugh with Y/N, when Edmund would blush to Peter' jokes about weddings. Please, she needs help to learn to swim.

And my parents, please, not my parents, they're my rocks, my helpers.

Not Eustace, he's such a sweet and smart boy, still young, let him go, let him go back to his parents.

Please, Aslan, please. Let me see them again.

Susan had watched as her youngest brother and best friend grow up together to begin to love each other.

Even Aslan couldn't comprehend that the two teens had fallen in love and had died knowing it.


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