Chapter 7: Camp Half Blood

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Percy walked into the camp. She had traveled to Long Island in New York for it. It was a tiring journey for the two girls.

The sign above read Camp Half Blood in Ancient Greek. Dianna, in one of Bruce's cars, had just dropped her off at the gates. She said that she did not want to see Chiron or Dionysus.

When she entered the camp Chiron walked up to Percy. In all of his four legged glory. She instantly knew who he was. As she walked over Percy didn't see Grover anywhere. She was told that he was a satyr.

"Mr. Burner?" Percy asked

"Here I'm known as Chiron." He said

"Chiron. As in one of the siblings of the big three?" Percy asked

"How do you know so much?" Chiron asked

"The woman I call mom is Dianna the daughter of Hippolyta and the Princess of Themyscira." Percy said

Chiron nodded in understanding. He had heard that Dianna had married a man with an adopted daughter. He also heard that that man wasn't a human.

"Okay where did you run off to after the scuffle with the Fury?" Chiron asked

"It was Gotham and I've basically grew up there. And when I tried to defend myself from it I hit a button on my watch that informed Bruce Wayne's butler to come pick me up. I just thought it was a good idea to leave. You know to clear my head. I would have done the same thing in Star City if we were there." Percy said

Chiron nodded. He knew of the need to clear ones head. Then symbols appeared over Percy's head. And it wasn't the usual one symbol. There were three.

"My birth father is Poseidon." Percy said

She saw the symbol of Poseidon above her head. There also the symbols of Hestia and Hera with C's next to them.

"Yes he is. Your also the champion of Hera and Hestia apparently." Chiron said

Chiron took Percy to her cabin. On the way, Grover decided to tag along with them. They reached the cabin. It was big and open and free. It over looked the water. And it had its own dock. Percy loved it. It was like Bruce's cabin by Lily bay in Maine.

"Your father built this for you. Right after you were born." Chiron said

Percy knew why. Building this was one of the things he did to keep Hera quiet.

Percy walked in and looked around. She saw a trident in the corner and picked up and gave it a twirl. It was similar to the trident that Arthur brought to HQ one time.

"Arthur and mom are going to have my head for not figuring this out." Percy said

"Who?" Grover questioned

He gave gave his friend a questioning look. Percy turned to her satyr friend. He didn't know much of her life outside of school.

"Arthur. As in the King of Antlantis. And when I say mom, I mean Dianna the daughter of Hippolyta and the Princess of Themyscira." Percy said

Grover was shocked. He knew his friend was on friendly terms with the Justice League. But he didn't know that she knew actual Greek royalty. Or even lived with one.

Grover and Chiron lest Percy to get settled into the cabin. Percy opened her bag. Arthur gave it to her on her last birthday. It was bottomless. So she packed not only clothes. She brought copies of her pictures. Mostly the ones where the justice league were all in civilian clothes.

One of Aphrodite's daughters came in.

"Hi I'm Percy Kent." Percy introduced herself

"Hi I'm Piper McLean." She said

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