Matured decision

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I packed my car in my father’s mansion. My father, Mr Ebuka Chimezie is the chairman of Mezie's construction. Earlier today while I was in my office, My father called me.

“Hello dad, Good afternoon, any problem?”

“No son, But I and your mother wants you to come home for an urgent meeting.”

“Dad… Can’t it wait? I’m really busy right now, I will make sure to come after office hour, I promise dad.”

“Ok son, make sure you keep your promise.”

“Yes dad, Good bye.”

“Bye son.”

I’m not the only child of my parents. I have a younger brother whose name is Samuel who I’m seven years older than. He went abroad recently to begin his college Education.

I stepped out of the car and went straight to the door and knocked, my mother Mrs Chineye Chimezie came out and hugged me.

How I miss her hugs.

“Nnwam! I’m so glad you decided to come.”

“Why won’t I come mom?”

“Because you’re too busy with work, ever since you became the ceo you hardly come to visit us, I thought you have forgotten us.”

“What! No mom, I haven’t forgotten you guys, that’s ridiculous, a young man just needs his privacy.”

“Privacy my foot, you’re still my baby, let me call your dad and inform him that you are here.”

Mom went upstairs.

I looked around the house. It sure has changed within the short period I was away.

I wonder what my parent wants to talk about. Although I think I know but I don’t want to accept the fact that I know. Accepting it will feel like I accepted it.

I remember eight years ago when I was just eighteen years old coming back late from a friend’s birthday party and also celebrating because I finally finished secondary school. My dad called me into his study room. Any time dad calls me into his study room, it means there’s something serious he wants to say. I was scared because I thought he wanted to scold me for coming back late after my curfew.

“Yes dad.”

“Sit down son, I want to have a few words with you. What I want to talk about is very serious… But you don’t need to decide now, when you’re of age then you can decide, but I just want to inform you about it.”

“Ok dad, please what is it.” I asked scared because my dad looked so serious.

“Ok this is it…. My friend wants our children to get married when you’re all of age.”

“Of course dad, I and Samuel will get married and of course Ruby.” I responded not really understanding my dad’s statement.

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