Are you crazy?

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"It's Chioma." Alex stated gritting his teeth. "I'm not gonna pick it up."

"Just pick it up, let's see what she's up to." I advised him.

"Okay then." He said and swiped the green button to receive the call. "Hello,"

I looked at Susan and James and saw that they were trying to comfort each other.

"I can't meet you right now... Yeah... Maybe tomorrow, yeah bye." Alex finished his call.

" You're gonna meet tomorrow?" I asked him curiously.

" Yes, she wanted me to come today but I refused, by tomorrow I'll cut any ties I have with her."

" Thank God."

" I'm really sorry Alex, Ruby, please forgive me." James begged for the umpteenth time today.

"I'll forgive but on a condition." I looked at Alex with a confused expression and looked back at James who was eager to do anything Alex tells him all for forgiveness.

"What is it? I'll try to do it no matter what." James asked anxiously while Susan looked at Alex expectantly.

"You're sure you'll be able to?" Alex asked James.

" Yes, absolutely sure."

"Okay, you will pay for our meal everytime we meet on weekends till the end of the year, starting from today. Can you do it?"

"Are you trying to say we will always meet on weekends? Have you really forgiven him?" Susan asked happily.

" Yeah, I have but it's up to him." James nodded happily.

"Of course I agree, thank you very much Alex, Thank you for forgiving me."

" You're welcome, we all make mistakes and I'm happy you realised yours very early and saved our lives from Chioma." Alex said squeezing my hands while smiling directly at me and my heart skipped a bit.

"Take this." Susan ordered giving Alex a pregnancy stick.

"For what?"

"Just give it to Chioma and let her get worked up, she might deny it though but that will be a good way of telling her you already know the truth without exposing James." She explained.

" What a good idea." I agreed.

Alex collected the pregnancy stick from Susan and kept it in his pockets smiling brightly at us.

"I'd love to see her shocked expression." He said and everyone chuckled finally happy we are getting somewhere.

James called the waiter and everyone ordered and ate a meaningful dinner with no drama, we all chatted, Alex and James tied the bond sooner than expected and that was the beginning of a good friendship.



Going into my office I heard someone called my name, I turned back see the person and left out a frustrated sigh.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"Let's talk." She dragged me inside my office and locked the door.

"I don't have anything to say to you Chioma."

"Really? After getting me pregnant you don't have anything to say?"

What a liar! But I have to act along, I'm so glad I listened to Susan's advise because the pregnancy stick is right here with me. I brought out the pregnancy stick and gave it to her.

"Take this... Enter my office toilet and pee on it." I ordered but she didn't collect it instead her eyes just widened.

Does she think I'm a fool?

"But I've showed you the test results before, why this suddenly?"

" Just do it Chioma or should we go to the hospital?"

" What?! Don't you believe me Alex?"

" Chioma just do it since you're actually pregnant, I lost the last pregnancy stick and I need it so I can show my parents today." I tried to convince her into falling for my plan.

She collected the pregnancy stick from me then entered the toilet. I smiled at least everything is going as planned. Two can play this game. I heard flushing sound and soon the toilet door was opened.

"So we have to wait for three minutes to see the results." I stated.

"Alex you don't have to do this, you know I'm pregnant, I showed you the previous results right?"

" Yes, like I said before I misplaced it, I really want to show my parents you know, I'm sure they would be happy." I told her seeing as she was uneasy made me so happy.

I checked the time and saw that it remain one more minute for the result to show. Why is the time do slow?
"Have you informed your mother yet?" I asked her trying to pass away this damn time.

"No I was scared." She said.

"Don't worry when we see the result and it's indeed positive, we will go visit her okay? " I mocked.

I checked the time again and smiled. Finally! I was about to pick up the pregnancy stick that was lying patiently on my office table before Chioma suddenly took it.

"What does it read?" I asked her but she didn't reply. "Chioma what does it read?" I asked again but she fiddled with the stick, her hands shaking nervously.

"We don't really need this result Alex, I swear I'm pregnant." She lied.

" Then give me the result." I forcefully collected it from her and smiled as I read it. Negative. "You're indeed pregnant." I mocked smiling brightly at her.

"Yes... Yes I'm pregnant Alex, this stick is fake, it's fake, the one I gave you is real, believe me." I laughed hard at her.

" You can stop playing your games now Chioma, the truth has been revealed, you aren't pregnant so I've got nothing to do with you."

" Alex I love you, I've been in love with you since secondary school days, just stay with me and I promise I'll really be pregnant and it will be real."

" Are you crazy?"

" Yes I'm crazy, crazy for you,  Alex please." She begged kneeling down. This girl must really be crazy.

"You put me through emotional stress, you deceived me, I couldn't sleep peacefully, my mind was in disarray thinking how my life has changed with those dreadful eleven lettered words that came out of your mouth, my relationship with Ruby was shattered just because of that lie. You lied about being pregnant so you could be with me? So ridiculous... Get out of my office and never come back. You are fired!" I growled. I've never been this angry my whole life.

"Fired?" She asked as she stood up.

"Yes fired, leave my building this instant and never show your face here ever again, unless I'll sue you."

She scoffed and said; " Don't worry, I'll leave. Goodbye Alex and you will surely regret this." She left my office banging my office door behind her.

Finally! I'm freed. My next move is convincing Ruby back, my one and only.


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I love you all.

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