Stop wriggling

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Everyone was seated at the living room after dinner except me, I was in the kitchen washing all the plates we used for dinner.

"Hey!" I heard the voice which always makes my heart beat faster, the person I tried so hard to ignore.

"Hi." I replied shyly.

Oh God! What has gotten into me? I'm not always this shy in front of him or maybe I was but I always try to ignore it. I think it's because I'm starting to believe our supposed arranged marriage.

"I noticed you were ignoring me?"  He asked me coming closer to me. Suddenly I was entrapped between his hands my back to his front. His face was just centimeters aways from my neck, nuzzling it.

"I...I... was... wasn't." I stuttered. I try to stop my heart from beating frantically so it was won't jump out. I could feel his frantic breathing on my neck.

"Why?" He asked still nuzzling my neck clearly not accepting my response. "Goodness... your scent is so soothing." He mumbled as he kissed my earlobe.

" What... are... you... doing?" I stuttered for the second time within one minute.

" Inhaling your enticing scent." He whispered and placed a soft kiss at the spot in between my neck and my shoulder. My heart started racing extremely, drumming frantically in my chest. I couldn't take it anymore, I try to wiggle myself out of his grasp but he was too strong.

"Stop wriggling." He said and kissed the spot in between my neck while his hands travelled down and rested on my shaking hands. "Let's just stay like this for a minute please." He begged.

I'm doomed. I'm sure he could feel my heart jumping out of my chest because of how close we were. He continued kissing the same spot but this time with a new urgency, sucking, biting as if he was going to mark me.

We were interrupted by a cough. We quickly disengaged ourselves seeing that it was our moms and pretended as if nothing happened.

"We saw it all, you don't need to pretend." Mrs Chineye said smiling brightly at us while mom winked at us.

"N..No..Nothing... happened..." I tried to assure them but I guess I failed with the look on their faces plus my inability to stop stuttering.

"Why are you here? I thought you were discussing?" Alex asked them.

" We came to call you guys so we can discuss about what we came here for." Mrs Chineye explained.

" Okay... Let me just round this up quickly, I'll meet you guys soon." I said while I continued washing the dishes. As soon as they left the kitchen including Alex, I sighed and calmed my racing heart, his presence alone is a turn on.

I finished washing the dish, cleaned the kitchen and went to join them in the living room, they were all waiting patiently for me.

"Sit down." Dad ordered. I was about to seat in another sofa, far way from Alex when he grabbed my hand stopping me.

"Sit with me." He said. I wanted to ignore him and just go sit where I want to but the look on our moms face says otherwise, as if they will spill everything they saw in the kitchen.

"Okay." I sat down beside him but tried to control my already racing heart.

What's wrong with me and my stupid heart. ugh!

"It's high time we put a date for the engagement party, actually we have already decided it when you both were in the kitchen but we'd like to know if it will be okay for you kids." Mr. Ebuka said.

"When will it be?" Alex and I asked at the same time.

"Next week Saturday." Dad replied.

"What?! Isn't it too early?" I asked.

"Early? It's even very late, how I wish next week Saturday would be your wedding and tommorow your engagement party." Mum pouted at us.

"Next week Saturday, engagement, and the Saturday after that will be your wedding." Mr. Ebuka stated and all the parents nodded their heads in affirmation.

"But dad, isn't this too fast, we're still young, we can wait, right Ruby?"

"Indeed, you can wait after what almost happened in the kitchen." Mum spilled and I and Alex gasped.

"What happened in there?" Dad asked, curiosity sketched on his face.

"Nothing at all." I responded looking at our moms who were giggling like high school girls.

"Okay, If you say so. Start preparing for the engagement party for there is no time to waste."

"Ruby next week Thursday, let's go for shopping. Girls day?" Mrs. Chineye asked looking at both mum and I.

"I'm in." Mum chimmed.

"Okay. I don't think I'd be busy by that time." I said.

"As if you were ever busy." Alex mummured silently but I heard him.

"Perfect! Thursday it is." Mrs. Chineye said looking very happy.

"We'll be on our way now." Mr. Ebuka stood up followed by Mrs. Chineye. "Alex, are you coming?" We all looked at Alex for his response.



"Where are we going?" Ruby asked me while we were in my car.


"I'm sure that 'somewhere' has a name." She said emphasizing the word somewhere.

"Just wait and see."

"Ugh!" She exclaimed and relaxed in the seat closing her eyes. "When we reach that somewhere, wake me up. I'm going to sleep now." She commanded to which I replied;

"Yes ma'am." She's cute. I promised her dad I'll bring her back by 11pm and I intend to keep my promise, since she'll be my wife, she should at least know my place and that's where I plan to take her. Knowing Ruby she'd not be interested in knowing it until after our marriage.

We reached my place and Ramon, my gate man opened the gate. I entered and packed car in garage where three cars are waiting patiently to be used.

"Ruby! Ruby!" I called her tapping her soft body. She just said some meaningless word and faced the door. I chuckled.

"Ruby! Ruby! We're here." I tapped her again and this time she woke up.

"Where are we? and what says the time?" She asked at the same time.

"We're in my house and the time says 10 minutes past the hour of 8." I answered her.

"Your house?" She asked as she was about to unbuckle her seat belt but I beat to it and unbuckled it for her and also mine. I quickly came down and opened the door for her.

"Milady." I bowed slightly as she came down smiling wildly.

Let the night begin!


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I love you all.

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