Chapter 11

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The snow outside was falling lightly on the ground. I held the cup of hot chocolate in my hands and sipped quietly. The fire crackling behind me.

My mother was humming and sewing something in her rocking chair.

I turned and saw her smiling at me.

"Hello dear." She said to me in a light voice.

Her dark brown hair was in curls around her face, her bright blue eyes staring back at me.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Safe. That is all you need to know."

She went back to sewing and humming.

I turned and looked back out the window. A white rabbit hopped along the lawn.

I did feel safe here. It was peaceful. Almost too peaceful.

I turned back around. She was still rocking and humming.

"Momma," I started. "You are dead."

She stopped humming and the smile disappeared from her face.

"I try not to think about that." She said.

"Where am I?" I asked again.

"Come sit with me, dear."

I got up and sat in the rocking chair across from her.

"I wanted you to stay longer, but that is selfish of me." She said.

"You are dead too." She added.

My eyes grew wide.


"But you are not dead like I am dead. You have a chance to go back. My time is over for good."

She sighed, "Of course I want you to stay with me, but I feel your place is not here. Not yet."

I thought for a moment, "Then why am I here? If I'm meant to stay on earth."

"Somebody has been playing with life and death. Not seeing how truly precious it is. Death has knocked at your door, and you have answered, but there is a chance you can close that door again." She said.

I was baffled. How is this happening?

"I would go back sooner rather than later, dear. It will be more painful if you go back later." She finally said.

"So I have to leave?" I said in a quiet voice.

She smiled weakly "Yes."

There were tears forming in my eyes.

"Goodbye, mother." I hugged her.

"Not forever, my dear."

I smiled and walked toward a big brown door. There was light peeking out from under it. I reached for the handle and opened it.


Sorry! These are really short chapters but they build up suspense better. Hope you are loving them as much as I am!!!


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