Chapter 18

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"Stay quiet." He whispered in a gruff voice.

He slowly took his hand off my mouth.

"Please don't kill me." I whispered.

"I'm not going to kill you. I just want to explain something. I killed your mother. I want you to know that. It had nothing to do with you. Well, it kinda did but just know that I am here to protect you."

And with that, he ran down the opposite end of the alley.

I stumbled back out onto the sidewalk and kept walking.

Did he break out of jail just to tell me that? How did he break out? Should I call the police? I know he wasn't going to hurt anyone else. My stepmother was a one time thing. I didn't know.

I strolled back into the foster home and packed up for Bea's.

"Leaving so early?" A girl with a blue streak in her hair asked.

"Somebody adopted me." I said back.

"Not that quick. The average amount of time somebody adopts someone in his is about....." She counted on her fingers.

"Oh wait. Never." She said.

"Well, count those fingers again because I did." I snapped.

"Your situation is good. Too good."

She must've not known about my stepmother.

"I will trade positions with you any day. How do you like trying to be killed?"

She shut up and continued texting.

I continued packing my bag. Was this really how everyone saw me? Well it didn't matter anyway because I was leaving.

My phone started ringing. It was George.

"Hello." I said over the phone.

"Hey, Snow. How you holding up?" His voice echoed over the phone.

"Beatrice adopted me." I said without jumping up and down.

"That's great! Remember, if you ever need anything, you can come to us."

"Thank you so much. If there is anything I can do for you-"

"No. We are the adults. You are the child. Anything we can do for you. You've already done so much for us."

"Thank you."

"See ya, baby."

He hung up.

I had more family than I realized. Bea, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Peter, all people who loved me. And I loved them back. It almost brought tears to my eyes.

"Who was that? Your boyfriend." The girl said in a baby tone.

I ignored her. Who needed negativity? It never did any good.

I was sifting through my clothes when I came across a black dress with a bow around the waist. I had been looking for dresses to wear to the funeral and I think this would be ok.

I never thought I would have to pick out a dress for her funeral. It always seemed like she would live forever. I always thought the case would be her picking a dress for my funeral. I slid on the dress and it fit perfectly, it was scary. I had never seen this dress before.

I quickly took it off and put it in a box under my bed for safe keeping. The funeral was tomorrow and I wouldn't be going to Bea's yet so I didn't pack it.

I was missing school for it. I didn't go to the wake. It would be too hard for me. I honestly don't know who would go to the wake.

The next morning I got into the dress and I wore my hair straight down my back with no accessories.

Peter offered to drive me. I got in his car and we drove to the cemetery where it was being held.

"Are you ok?" He asked me.

"You really think I am?" I responded.

"Just remember, if you ever need to talk about anything, I am here for you." He pulled into the cemetery driveway and I kissed him goodbye.

The coffin and chairs were already set up. With ten minutes until it started, only the funeral planner was there. She went over with me what I was going to do. She would introduce me, I stand up, say my speech, and sit back down. Easy.

By the time it was three minutes until starting time, five people were in the metal folding chairs. That really scared me. I would be speaking to a crowd of five. A few more people rolled in just as the priest was starting opening prayers.

He finished and the funeral planner introduced me and I walked up next to the coffin.

With shaky hands, I unfolded the small piece of loose leaf paper where my neat handwriting held my speech.

I unfolded it all the way and took a deep breath. This was lies. I couldn't say this.

Then, I threw the paper on the ground.


Only a few more chapters! Parting is such sweet sorrow! (Willy Wonka).

Ok so big news, I am writing a new original book called "Apocalypse". It is about the zombie apocalypse and I know it sounds weird but the people who proof read it for me said it's really good and they don't even like zombies.

And I know what you're thinking, I'm a Potterhead/Disnerd/Zombie Killer. Well too bad haters you can hate but you can't stop my beat.

The Urban Princesses: Snow WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now