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"Jimin what are you doing exactly?" Yoongi asked with a sigh.

"What do you mean?" He asked calmly turning around.

"Stop doing that to my windows please." He told rolling his eyes.

"Like you care about your windows."

"Yes. I actually do care. They belong to my expensive house. So yeah."

Jimin blew on the window and drew another flower. Yoongi huffed pouring cereal on his bowl.

"Why don't you get regular milk?" He asked  wiping the drawing off with his sleeve.

"I like almond milk. What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing. I'm just asking a question. I see you're in your mood today."

"I didn't sleep good last night and you're messing with my windows. Yeah, I'm in a mood."

Jimin rolled his eyes and took a seat in front of him. He watched Yoongi eat and he gave him a look.

"What?" Yoongi snapped with a mouth full.

"I'm bored. I demand a pet."


"I'm here alone most of the time. I demand a pet to spend time with while you're gone."

"No, Jimin. You cannot have a pet. That's too much work. You're already too much work for me. I can't afford to add a pet on top of that."

"I will take care of it you silly human. I'm perfectly capable of doing it."

"Nope. You're not getting one."

"Fine. Then take me out."


"I don't know. To do something. Anything."

"Alright then. Let me finish eating then. Have you ate?"

"Of course. My daily jar of mayonnaise."

"How many jars are left?"

"Five. We should be good for a couple of days."

"Your obsession with mayonnaise is incredibly disturbing."

"I say the same about you and that nasty oatmeal you make me eat."

"My oatmeal is not nasty! I add different fruits to it everyday!" Yoongi declared.

"Speaking with your mouth full is not good manners Min Yoongi."


"Aren't you finishing your food?" He asked interrupting him.

Yoongi scoffed and continued eating until his bowl was empty. Then he put it in the dishwasher.

"Can we go now?" Jimin quickly asked behind him.

He flinched turning to his right to see him right there next to him. He was so close. Like centimeters away.

"Jimin! Personal space!" He scolded stepping back.

"I just don't want you to forget. Do you not recall that your attention span is worse than a fruit fly? I need to stay on top of you."

"Eww. That last phrase has a double meaning and it sounded wrong." Yoongi said walking down the hallway.

"What do you mean?"

"Forget it."

"Do you mean it in a sexual way you horny man?" Jimin asked as they walked in Yoongi's room.

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