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"I can do it myself." Taehyung said embarrassed.

"No way. I'll do it. I don't want you to get tired." Jungkook responded. He had decided to take Taehyung out to the garden as a distraction.

He was currently pushing his wheelchair and Taehyung didn't like that very much. It made him feel useless even though he had good intentions.

"I won't I've been doing this for months. I'm used to it now."

"Well you'll have to excuse me, but I'm going to do it either way."

He sighed, "Where are we going either way?"

"To see nature!"

"I fucking hate nature. It's hot as fuck. Take me back inside."


"I said take me back inside. Aren't you suppose to do what I say?"

"Yes. I am. I just wanted you to to distract yourself." He said softly.

Taehyung crossed his arms over his chest. "This isn't distracting me. This is pissing me off."

"Hold on let me show you." Jungkook grinned continuing to push.

He kept a frown on his face until Jungkook abruptly stopped. "What the fuck?" He asked squinting.

It was an extremely hot day today and he did not want to be out here. He turned around annoyed and then noticedJungkook was gone.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Jungkook! We here the hell are you? Are you just going to leave me here to rot?"

"Ta-da!" He excitedly screamed getting in front of him. He handed him a flower crown and smiled.


"I made you this. Can I put it on you?"

"I don't see the point of it but fine."

Jungkook put it over his head and fixed it. Taehyung held his breath the whole time while he adjusted the crown.

It was built with pretty red flowers and leaves. When he pulled away and saw him he smiled sweetly.

"It looks so lovely on you."

Taehyung finally took a breath and sheepishly looked away. "Whatever. That's why you brought me here? For a stupid flower crown?"

"No of course not. I wanted to show you this." He said turning him around. Taehyung was ready to be angrier, but instead gasped surprised. There was gorgeous flowers planted around the trees.

No one really took care of the garden since Taheyung and Namjoon were the only ones there.

Namjoon was busy with work and himself well...he was very limited. It had been a while since he'd seen something like this.

"You did this?"

"I did. Isn't it beautiful?"

"It is."

Jungkook kneeled next to him on the ground. "I'm glad you like it." He said and reached over to wipe some sweat from his forehead.

Taehyung avoided eye contact with him. He made him so nervous at times. "Are we done yet?"

"Not yet. Let's go under the tree for some shade. It'll be relaxing to just sit out here and enjoy the weather." He pulled him under the nearest tree.

"I don't enjoy it."

"Close your eyes and listen." Jungkook whispered.

Taehyung sighed annoyed and closed his eyes. He didn't lie when he said it would be relaxing. The birds chirping and wind sounded so peaceful.

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