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"Taehyung, can I speak to you?" Namjoon asked.

He stopped playing his piano and nodded. Namjoon sat on the stool next to him trying to think of a way to say it.

He had just spoken to Jungkook about it and it absolutely broke his heart to pieces. Jungkook was so sad.

It was beyond heartbreaking to see his reaction.

"I need to tell you something."

Taehyung prepared for the worst. Every time he heard that line something bad was about to be said.

The sudden flashback of two years ago came to mind. He remembered what he was wearing, what Namjoon was wearing, hell even what his parents were wearing.

He remembered the anxiety he felt as he sat on the wheelchair waiting for the doctor to read the report.

He also remembered the deep sadness he felt when the doctor did read the report. Nothing had showed up.

It wasn't explained.

There was no explanation for what had happened to him. Nothing that indicated what triggered it or what caused it.

He was left a wondering mess. Until this day he kept wondering about it. That was one of the worst feelings. To always be in doubt.

Namjoon looked down at his lap pinching the bridge of his nose. "Taehyung..." His voice trailed off unable to continue.

"What is it?" He whispered nibbling the bottom of his lip.

"Jungkook is going to have to leave."

"What? Why?" He asked concerned. Of course he was still hurt at what had happened but he didn't want him gone.

"When I designed him it wasn't necessarily for me or for you to keep. He doesn't belong to me even though I made him. When my six months are done his mind will be erased and he will go back to the company."

Taehyung gulped and looked down at his lap. His heart sunk to his stomach. "Why...why can't you...buy him or something?" He asked.

"Even if I wanted to I can't. He will be part of research for newer models. Being with an operating system is normal in our society. Scientist are going to want to develop newer models. Ours happened to be the first. That's why we have six months to fix any glitches or problems."

Taehyung breathed softly. His mouth started watering and he kept swallowing to prevent the tsunami of tears from erupting.

"I'm sorry Tae. I should've told you from the start. I just wanted to make you happy. I haven't seen you like that in years. I'm sorry I'm hurting you now."

Taehyung looked at him reaching over to hold his hand. Namjoon closed his eyes resting his head against his shoulder.

It felt like they hadn't touched or connected in so long. He had missed this. He missed his best friend and companion.

And so they sat in silence holding each other's hands. Taehyung couldn't deny that although he was hurting he hadn't felt so complete in months.

That's because his brother was there hurting with him too.


"What's this?" Jimin wondered. He looked at the newspaper which had a bunch of words circled.

Yoongi quickly snatched the paper away. "Stop being nosy. Now go sit down in the bathroom."

"You left it out here for me to see but I'm the nosy one? Okay." He told rolling his eyes and heading to where he was told.

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