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Jimin looked up and saw Yoongi walking in with a container of paint. He tried to not look in his direction and failed.

"Hi Jimin." Yoongi said with a small smile.

He didn't respond and went back to eating his bowl of cereal. He would eat mayonnaise and raspberries unfortunately he was all out.

Asking Yoongi for some more was not at option at the moment. He was trying to be strong here and talking to him would only melt him into a puddle of mess.

" I'm going to repaint my room if you wish to come help. It's not mandatory of course."


So that was the noise he had been hearing the night before. He could hear Yoongi moving things around, but decided to ignore it by listening to music instead.

"Okay. Well I'll be in my room if you need me." He added when Jimin didn't reply.

He kept eating unable to look at him. Staying away was hard. Not caring was hard. How he wished he could just turn off those emotions.

He told himself he was done, but was he really?

Because being done meant he wouldn't think about it and simply move on. That's not what was happening at all.

After he was done he got up and cleaned up. His eyes wondered to the calendar on Yoongi's wall.

He reached over and flipped the page and then again. 63 days. That's how long he had with him.

The anger he felt two nights ago was so intense that he wanted that day to be sooner. Thinking about it now only frightened him.

Forgetting Min Yoongi was heartbreaking.

Even more than knowing he didn't feel the same. He let go of the calendar and stepped back. Then decided to go back to his room and lay down.

Midway there he stopped and looked to his right. Down the hall was where Yoongi was at. As much as he didn't want to go there he did.

"I see you decided to come." He said when landing eyes on him. He was sitting on the floor holding a brush. A few white streaks were painted over the green color.


"Don't apologize. It doesn't count unless you mean."

Yoongi raised both eyebrows surprised. He hadn't expected Jimin to respond at all. In fact ever since that night he hadn't said another word to him.

"I really am. I tend to act impulsive. You were right."


"Everything. Hoseok. He's dating again. I shouldn't have called you a liar. I just didn't want to believe it."

"Of course you didn't."

"Is that why you didn't tell me before? Because of the way I reacted?" He wondered continuing to paint.

"No. I did it to prevent you from heartache. Either way it happened so I guess it was for nothing."

He smiled sadly, "Of course you did. You're so selfless."

"I highly doubt that. I'm not perfect. I know you designed me to be that way but I'm not. I make mistakes too."

Yoongi grabbed another paint brush and extended his hand out to him. "Do you want to help?" He whispered.

Jimin nodded heading toward him. He sat next to him and dipped his brush into the white paint.

Yoongi stopped for a brief second and looked at Jimin. He wore a big yellow T-shirt and red neon shorts. His socks were a blue color and his hair was a tangly mess.

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