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"Did you see his face when you left him that tip? He couldn't believe it."

"You're suppose to always tip good. Some people don't realize the tip is the majority of their pay check."

"You seem quite defensive about it." Jimin said reaching over to touch a tree branch. It shed some petals making him smile. "Look it looks like it's snowing!" He added enthusiastically.

"Yeah it does." Yoongi quietly responded. He observed him for a few seconds until Jimin stopped shaking the branch and looked in his direction.

"I'm actually defensive about it because I used to work as a waiter. It pissed me off when people would leave me shitty tips or no tip at all." He told hoping Jimin hadn't noticed him staring.

"Ahh. That's why you stacked up the plates in the center of the table huh? You don't even do that at the house."

"It's a different story in my house."

"True. Ooh. Can we go in that store?" He asked pointing to it.

"Damn. You're expensive."

"Yes. You know it."

"I feel like your sugar daddy or something." He mumbled following him behind.

Jimin opened up the door and hummed, "Hmm. No. You are not sugar daddy material."

"What? I'm fucking rich and I give lots of sugars!"

"Right. About that, has anyone ever told you your sugars are a bit salty?"

"Fuck off. I'm leaving—"

"Calm down now. I'm only kidding. Stay and be my fake sugar daddy. Buy me clothes please."

Yoongi looked down at his hand and swallowed down nervously. It wasn't often that Jimin touched him.

So when he did it made him all jittery.

"Alright. Pick your clothes quick. It's getting late."

"The night is young. Why're you such in a hurry?" He ask letting go and turning around.

Yoongi put his hand over his forearm and quickly approached him. "Easy for you to say. You don't depend on sleep like I do. It feels like shit when you don't get a good rest. And I have to work tomorrow."

"Blah, blah, blah. All you do is talk about work. Let go of it for a day."

"I can't let go of that. It's what I do for a living."

"But you're too invested into it. There's other things besides work you know? What did you do before you started working there?"

Yoongi sighed rubbing the back of his neck. A lot of things came to mind. They were simply too painful to talk about.

Jimin noted the change of mood immediately. The way Yoongi's expression dropped in pure sadness was noticeable. So he changed the topic.

"Look. How about this?" He asked holding up a yellow button up shirt.

"Ehh. Looks yellowish."

"It is yellow."

"I'm not a big fan. It's such a queasy annoying color."

Jimin scoffed, "I like it."


"You're going to end up liking yellow." He said giving him a look.

"Uh huh. Whatever."

Jimin shrugged turning to the right. Yoongi then took the time to study his side profile which was literally impeccable.

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